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SALMON (shake)
simply means "Agreed, Yes".

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AFTER AN almost full day of shopping, Nobara carries shopping bags filled with new clothes and shoes. Shira was behind her with shopping bags as well, but the clothes and accessories inside weren't hers. They're both hurrying back to Jujutsu High, since it was close to where they shopped.

"These are really a lot, Kugisaki..." Shira whispered, struggling from carrying tons and tons of bags. They had to walk fast while it happened too!

"Mikumo-senpai, I told you to buy some as well!" She reminded her, but Shira shook her head.

"It's quite alright, Kugisaki.." Shira trailed off. "I'd rather not drop any of your prized possessions." She tightened the grip of the shopping bags.

Nobara's eyes lit up, her expression clearly in admiration. She turned her head, facing Shira, to show her appreciation. "A big reason why I didn't bring Fushiguro and Itadori with me!" She scoffed.

In an instant when they got back, Nobara kept bragging to Megumi and Yuji about how good of a company Shira is.

Before Shira would come back inside her dorm, Nobara puts her arm around hers, smiling gleefully. Nobara's face was shining today.

"What is it, Kugisaki?" Shira looked at her with a confused smile. "You seem to be happy today."

Nobara's smile went brighter. She dragged Shira with a specific shopping bag clutched on her hand. "You'll see, you'll see! Follow me!" She giggled.

Shira was still visibly confused, but she trusted what Nobara was planning to drag her to. A while later and they were outside Nobara's room.

Nobara quickly unlocked her door with her room keys and it swung back instantly. She caught Shira's hand and took her inside.

Nobara's room looked very vibrant, a few pictures of her friends here and there, Shira noticed a pictureframe where Maki and Nobara is in. Nobara gestured her to sit down, so she did on her bed.

Nobara quickly took out something from a shopping bag she brought with them. Shira in awe, she just watched Nobara in front of her.

"Guess what this is?" Nobara waved a full box set of nailpolish in front of Shira's very eyes. Her confused expression changed in a lovely chuckle.

AS SHIRA and Nobara got done with their nails, they sat on the bed. While waiting for the nail polish to dry, they gossiped about whatever they wanted. Mostly their comrades and teachers. Don't worry though, that information is confidential.

While they were gossiping, there was a !ping! they heard on someone's phone. Nobara and Shira took out and looked on both of their phones.

"Someone messaged me..?" Shira's eyebrows shot up, as she looked straight at Nobara's eyes who has a confused expression.

"Who is it?!" Nobara scooted closer to her, "Is it Inumaki-senpai?!"

"What-" Shira gave her an awkward smile. "Where'd you get that--"

"Who the hell is that?" Nobara cuts her off, pointing at a message request from an unknown number.

"I don't know..." Shira spoke. She and Nobara looked at each other, "Should we check it out?" Nobara asked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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