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The next following days Lauren has been doing what she always does.But today was unexpectedly different.Today the day started normally Lauren had woken up and as usually stared at the beautiful sky that she could see from her big window.Everyday she does this..some people may find it weird but the look of the sky for her was mesmerizing..Atleast thats what she said, for her skies were an important thing to her life  it was not for sum particular reason she just found them very relaxing.After she had finished seeing the beautiful view she opened her phone.It wasn't long until her mom called her name Lauren didnt think of it being weird for her to be called by her mom so early considering the fact that she knows that her mom knows that shes awake by now.
Lauren just simply thought that her mother was calling her for some morning breakfast.
But what was the actual reason is nothing like that. Lauren had got out of her bed and started getting ready for this day as usual.She put on clothes went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and that was it that was her normal morning routine and she also always drinks tea , Lauren seems to enjoy the most relaxing things in my opinion but her personality might not be the same.
After she had gotten ready she heard her mother yell her name again "Lauren!!Sweetie come on!" Lauren had accidentally forgotten that her mother called her but it was nothing afterwards she simply went to the living room where her mother was. "Oh lauren sweetie finally u came"
"Yea i guess"
"Well lauren i have got a suprise for you!!"
Lauren was excited she had always loved suprises especially from her mom , she always got things she wanted.She wasnt spoiled tho or anything like that she never really wishes for something out loud or begs her mother for something thats why her mother is always willing to give her something in return for how an amazing daughter she is.
"Wow really mom, what is it!?Come onn im exited"
Lauren said with a big smile on her face
"Well you know how a few days ago you wanted to go to school right?Well first i wanted to apologize for the way i reacted i know that it wasnt honestly really the  reaction i should have made. I should have been happy that u want to go to school."
"No mom dont worry about it i also shouldn't have reacted so big it wasnt that big of a deal sorry. And um also what was your suprise?"
"Ohh yes! Hunny....i got you into one of the best private schools ever! Arent u excited?"
"Oh" that was Laurens reaction just a simple "oh" it wasnt because she was being ungrateful or anything but in her past she had also went to a private school and judging from her experience it was full of spoiled brats.Not quite what she wanted but it would be stupid if she started blabbing to her mom about how bad private schools are and all because after all her mother probably spent alot to make this happen for her.So as always she responded like she felt she should.......nicely.

"Thanks mom it really means alot."
"Ohh ofcourse hunny everything for you i really hope i didnt mess up anything?" She said with a mysterious voice.
"Oh no mom dont think like that ofcourse not! Also when do i start?"
"In two days!~"
"In two WHAT!" Lauren was freaked out she did get homeschooled half of her life and all so she obviously wasn't completely ready for REAL school but she had no choice.She straight away went to the store to get school supplies she already had most of the stuff so it didnt take her that long. Afterwards she also went to a clothing store she knew that she'd probably had to wear some crappy uniform but still she also needed some new clothes.While she was going out she had seen the coffeshop and decided to get herself a nice and warm tea cup yea surprisingly they also had tea in a coffe shop!While she was planning to head out she ordered a cup of coffe for her mother to treat her kindness and just as she was walking out ofcourse she had to bump into someone. A male, who did not seem happy one bit about the incident..

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