18. Plan

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For the next few days, the avengers lived peacefully underground. They made sure that yn isn't being fed toxic information (they did a terrible job at it) and also made sure to correctly let yn help. Bucky and Steve started talking to yn more, and Nat and Wanda found that their time spent with yn decreased, though not tremendously.

Whilst everything is going on pleasantly underground, the countries above ground have finally broken down. They couldn't track their locations and they haven't been seen anywhere. They've turned to the king of Wakanda for help, but he had disagreed. (In this timeline t'Challa announced Wakanda's wealth long ago) the king and the Wakandans had done some research and dug deep into the matter, finding out Zemo's background and the real murderer of his father, and because of that he refused to be a pawn of the government any further. The government disagreed with his approach, of course, and the result of their disagreement caused the gates of Wakanda to be shut in front of them until the return of the avengers, upon which they will discuss the true liabilities of the Sokovia Accords.

These news travelled fast across the globe, and very soon with the disappearance of the avengers, terrorist strikes increased exponentially and many people went on strike, including the police forces. Suddenly, the world became the breeding ground for chaos. The world finally realised that the destructions were not the avengers fault, more rather those who the avengers fought against. And as that realisation struck, people began protesting more. In the end the governments had no choice but to publicly announce the dismaying of the Sokovia Accords and subtly hint an apology, 'wishing to see the return of the world's mightiest heroes'.

However, these were unbeknownst to the avengers, they are too busy underground being happier than ever. They're experiencing what people called, 'responsibility-less'. Due to the lack of work, they worked themselves up to become better than before. Tony improved his suit along with Sam's and Rhodes, he also remade a metal arm for Bucky. The avengers believed that to be a sign of peace and forgiveness. Yn started getting better at socialising and became more of a help than trouble. Wanda helped her to adapt and control her powers more, and by accident they discovered a link between their powers. Pepper's starting to like life as a mother and had made it her mission to make sure yn's walking firmly on the road to greatness and Nat and Wanda have personally add themselves yn's 'sisters'. And then for those individuals who loves to make life difficult, so Steve and Bucky, they broke too many punching bags to count. Eventually Tony scolded them and told them to stay away from the remaining ones.

The chaos of the above world was discovered around a week later, when yn and vision went shopping again. Which is why as soon as they returned to the underground base, they informed everyone to get everyone else, and they held a gathering in the cosy living room. Vision and Yn, using their photographic memory, repeated everything that was said on the TV. This caused there to be a brief moment of silence.

"They need us back." Steve said after a while, breaking the silence.

"But they haven't said anything about Bucky." Yn pointed out. "Suggesting to me that they're still wanting to persecute him for the actions he couldn't control."

Bucky looked up at her and smiled. "Im less to be worried about, doll. You're the one we should worry about more."

Yn raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"Yn, Bucket here is a super soldier, which means to some degrees the government will consider him manageable." Nat said as she put a hand to yn's head, fluffing it roughly. Yn dodged away. "Which means they might tolerate him to an extent. But you, you're different."

"The government's allowance of my existence was only because I had a clean background." Wanda said thoughtfully. "But given your background, yn, I'm afraid it might be difficult."

"I say we send up a representative." Tony suggested. "One, or two, or three of us return to the surface and describe the situation to them and come up with some sort of a truce."

"The problem is, Tony, what do we do if they don't agree?" Steve asked critically. "If they don't agree, do we return or not?"

"If we negotiate with them, they'll think we're setting them up." Yn said, analysing the situation carefully. "They'd think you left the surface for compromising."

"It will lead to war and propaganda against us." Vision summed up.

Steve looked at Vision and then looked at yn. "But we're not giving them up. There'll be a way."

"Actually, I think Steve and Tony should go up to the surface." Yn suggested. "The leader of those who signed the accords, and those who didn't."

"It suggests an unbreakable agreement inside our team." Vision finished. "They can talk to the government."

"Is it just me or are you (looking at vision) and Yn literally finishing off each other's sentences?" Tony asked, confused.

"We discovered we had a lot in common." Vision explained. "Also because we both spend many of our time around Wanda."

"I think another one should go too." Nat said, bringing the conversation back to its tracks. "A more sensible one."

"ExCUSE me Romanoff?.??" Tony asked wide eyed. "You're saying I'm insensible?"

"You're suggesting you are?" Nat raised an eyebrow.

"Capsicle sure is!" Tony argued anyways.

"Steve is too stubborn, you are too sarcastic." Yn said, pointing out the issue straight away. "When they decide to prosecute me and Bucky, most likely, you both will disagree and then you (looking at Tony) will be extremely sarcastic, aggravating the government. Then they will turn to you (looking at Steve) to give a more 'justified' result but you will agree with Tony. End of negotiation."

Steve and Tony both stayed silent, knowing she's not wrong.

"Which is why I will go with you." Yn finished. She looked at the two of them before they were about to disagree. "And I'll shut you up at the appropriate time. Agreed?"

The team looked around at each other and nodded.

"Seems like the best approach to me." Wanda agreed.

Tony pulled up his devices and sent a message out to the American government, announcing their negotiation tomorrow for at 12:00. "Done. Date is set, tomorrow, whether they like it or not."

"Good". Yn said, then she stood up and left. Vision looked at her figure, and followed soon after.

"I question your motif." Vision said as soon as he caught up with the enhanced girl. "I believe you have something else planned."

"You do?" Yn said, stopping in her tracks to look at Vision,who nodded slowly. Yn smiled. "Then make sure Wanda doesn't find out, or she will not agree."

"You assume," he begins, "that I agree?"

"You know it's the best thing to do." Yn said, signing and shaking her head. "But please, worry not. I have it planned. It will go accordingly. Or if not, I can always count on you guys."

Vision stopped and kept his silence. After a few seconds, he nodded. "Very well, I wish you luck for tomorrow."


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