20. Freedom

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"Miss Yln," a female governor stood up as the previous one sat down, unable to formulate words. "I believe that given your past, you understand and appreciate that both you and Barnes are a danger to the world and should be behind bars in check?"

Yn kept quiet for a second, Tony spoke instead. "No, no she does not. And as her adoptive father I speak for her when I say no."

"I can make my own decisions." Yn whispered to Tony.

"Nah ah ah ah, your 17. Legally as your father I can make some decisions for you." Tony said proudly.

Yn shook her head gently and smiled, then she stood up. "I understand that as an enhanced individual as well as a super soldier, it is safer for everyone to have me behind bars." Yn said, earning looks of disbelief from Tony and Steve, and a few looks of relieve from the governors, but they relieved themselves too early. "However I do believe that the Winter Soldier is a treatable condition that Barnes can break free of. Therefore I believe that he is in no need of imprisonment."

"Wakanda would like to offer James Buchanan Barnes an opportunity for private treatment should he wish to, I believe with the technology of Wakanda and the skills of my sister Shuri, he can be treated." T'Challa said, then he turned to yn. "You are welcome to stay too."

"I appreciate the offer, your majesty, and would like to accept your offer on behalf of Bucky." Yn said with a little bow. "However if we don't give these governors SOMEthing to imprison they will never let this go as for them, it will mean a sign that they'd lost."

There was a moment of silence, and Tony did not know whether to laugh at her bold comment, or cry at her even bolder comment fro earlier. Steve gave her a proud and sad look.

"Miss Yln, I assure you that none of us consider this a battlefield, and we do not believe in there being a win or lose situation here." The president of America stood up.

"Really?" Yn asked almost mockingly. "Than may I ask why you are unable to accept our terms and is attempting to get something out of us at all costs? Whether it be spies in the avengers team, having to report and answer to you and having to listen to your terms?"

Their arguments were intense and complicated, the people sat at home in front of the TV went through many ups and downs as the conference continued. They were not sure of what to say either. Yes, the two of them committed the most atrocious crimes in the fact, but they also did not do that out of free will. There's no denying that. On one side, the governments seems to be making judgements based on laws, but on the other the avengers are making decisions based on morals. It was difficult to choose a side. Especially now that they feel sympathy for this girl and the man who had gone through more than anyone else. However, a few moments was all it took for all favours to turn to the avengers side as the heated argument took a sudden turn.

"Who do you think you are, Yln, to be questioning the authorities of whom you ad once brutally murdered?" The female governor questioned angrily. "You have no power to disobey what have been decided, and your criminal records of assassination is enough for more than a lifetime in prison."

"And I accept that." Yn replied calmly. "Put me in prison all you want if it fulfils your greed of winning and you will let the team back to being able to protect the civilians at vulnerable times. Please, do not use the safety of the civilians as a threat towards us, it is unfair to them."

"No yn, you're not going to jail." Tony said, standing up and looking at the governors angrily. "Alright look here you bitches, as avengers we protect those who are in need and are vulnerable, this includes both civilians AND brainwashed super soldiers. Just because they were forced to commit these things, doesn't mean they're any less a victim than those others. If you're going to threaten us with the innocent lives of others, than save yourselves. I thought you were playing the good guys here."

"Sit down." Yn said gently, pulling Tony back down into his seat. Then she stood up herself and looked at the leaders. "We do not want anything out of you, the avengers only ask for the permission to continue protecting our people as they did in the past without obligations or restrictions. Any mess they make, they will pay for. Any crisis that happens due to them will be attended to themselves. Bucky will be situated in Wakanda receiving treatment and I will go with you to fulfil your win or lose attitude. I believe, president, this is acceptable for you?"

The president did not know what to say. She's forcing words into his mouth. He has no reason to say no, everything she had just stated sounded to be out of best regards for the people, but saying yes and arresting her would be confirming that they do have a 'win or lose attitude'. But saying no would no doubt raise an even higher uprising.

"Miss Yln." The president of China stood up in the projections and looked at the three of them. "We accept your terms and sees them justified as they are. We believe that if treatment is available to you and Barnes, you should attend to them and be an aide to the world rather than prisoner. That is China's final decision. Thank you."

With that, his projection was turned off, signally that that was their final decision as a country.

"The UK government supports China's suggestion, thank you."

"As do France."

"And Germany,"

Following this lead, a few other countries did the same. Including Australia, Japan and many more. Eventually, the situation became clear that the avengers are winning this one.

"On behalf of all governments we therefore accept your terms," the president said, actually feeling relieved that this is finally over. "and we wish you well in your recovery. Thank you."

On that day, the applause coming from almost every household and club was so loud that it could be heard echoing in the streets and roaring in everyone's mind. This was the day that the avengers are finally returning and free.

On their way back to the avengers compound above ground, Tony alerted Friday to take out all avengers in the underground base via stealth mode back to the avengers compound.

"You had that planned?" Steve asked almost disbelievingly.

"Yes." Yn said as she straightened her clothes. "The key is to aggravate them whilst gaining the sympathy of civilians, that will put us in a good light."

"And then to rephrase the words smartly to show ourselves in a positive light even more." Tony continued, understanding her logic behind this.

"Giving them no option but to accept our terms." Yn nodded, looking quite happy that Tony gets her way of thinking.

"Like father like daughter." Tony said proudly.

Steve put a hand to his face. "And all that time I was worried you'd actually get thrown into jail...."

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