[Before My Death]

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Y/N L/N, A Senior Highschool student that is currently studying to get through college to find a job one day that will suit my tastes. Studying is really hard; you need to understand, remember and apply it in your daily school life or even just your daily life.

The only time that I can relax is when I try to escape my own world by reading and watching, or I even try to imagine things that I wished were real to me. Sometimes I even try to shift realities, which is ineffective for me. So I write stories like X-character fiction to satisfy my need of wanting to exist in 'their' particular world.

Enough about myself. Today I woke up in a very unfamiliar room. Which does not belong to me. I tried to sit down to look around my surroundings to process where I am. I looked around to see what kind of situation I was in.

'Was, I kidnapped?' The room wasn't shabby or dirty, but it didn't have anything in it. As I was looking all over the place I saw a mirror. I stood up from where I was and approached the mirror to look at myself, was I alright, or what the heck happened to me? As I looked in front of the mirror, I was shocked. I was small and the little kid in front of me didn't look anything like me. But the child was adorable. I was internally panicking as to how I woke up as a child. I tried waking myself by biting my hand and pinching myself.

Sadly, it was painful and real 'Am I Lucid dreaming or dream walking for real?' I thought to myself as I tried to remember if I tried shifting realities last night, As I tried to remember. My head started to hurt. I was dizzy and fell down, but I was still conscious. Memories started to kick in. I was in an accident. On a plane and I was swept by a tornado. 'That tornado was weird, though. it suddenly popped out of nowhere.' You see, I was on a plane to go and meet my relatives in another part of the country, so I was alone riding the plane since my grandmother had sponsored it so I could get there faster by myself. 'Good thing I was by myself when it happened, Oh wait what happened to the pilot... Never mind I should be worrying about myself and my family!!!' I thought as I tried standing up again, touching the wall for support. I tried listening to the door to see if there was anything or anyone behind the door. Of course, you'd be cautious if you're in an unfamiliar place alone, in a child's body that isn't even yours, and you don't even know how to defend yourself in your current state since you are having a headache and dizziness.

'This doesn't seem to be a dream to me. And I think in that tornado I died...Did I get isekai'd?' I thought to myself trying to puzzle my condition 'or did I get reincarnated as a child in another part of the world, past, present, future, I mean if you were me you'd think the same things as well and panic in the process because the first thing you've got to think and prioritize is your safety and how will you survive this. I tried to listen again to what was behind the door in front of me, as I heard nothing and I didn't feel any danger.

I opened the door slowly. I was in a house. I tried walking around the house slowly and I tried to look where I was. The house architecture was weird, not in a bad way, but it didn't seem of those from where I was, and the furniture was plain. I tried to look around even more as I found scissors to act as my weapon of self-defense in case something bad were to occur. I found nothing at all in the house.

As I was finished looking in the entire house, I went back to the room I woke up in, and saw bags. Those bags were stuffed. I went closer to the bags and tried to smell them and sense them. And After further inspection. I opened the bags to see what was inside them. As I looked inside, I flipped the bags to take out anything and everything inside those bags. What came out of it was money, clothes, food, a cellphone, and a laptop. As I picked up the phone, I looked in it to see Korean letters which I was not able to read. And as for the money it was won. or Korean currency. Luckily, the phone and laptop seem to be newly bought so it doesn't have any particular passwords. As I opened the phone I tried to see if I could switch its language to English. Luckily, after a few tries I managed to switch to English. As I sat trying to find out more about my situation, I tried to look for more inside the bags.

*3 hours into the future, brought to you by Gun's bad handwriting.*

3 hours had passed since I woke up inside this room. I felt my stomach growl 'I'm hungry.' I stood up from where I was and tried to see if there were any food inside the house. Sadly there was none. So I went back to the room to get some money and the phone I was using earlier to try and buy myself some food outside.



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