Episode 8: Secret Mission

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Jay: Finally! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad YinYang's gone, now we can go back to saving Ninjago city!

Kai: I sure won't miss him, but I'm not too sure I can say the same about the public. I've seen so many edits of him now that he's gone, it's actually getting annoying.

Nya: Kai! Don't be rude. Although it was kinda sad when Pythor killed him, we need to move past that and get back in the mindset of protecting the people of Ninjago city.

Cole: We're not sad, we're happy that he's gone, he was stealing our jobs!

Nya: Yeah, but don't you feel a little bad that he died?

Lloyd: I think you're the only one who feels like that, Nya.

Zane: Lloyd would be correct. Statistically, we are the best option when it comes to saving Ninjago.

Nya: Okay, fine. I'm not that upset either! I'll admit, he was powerful, but he didn't have to brag about it all the time.

Lloyd: Tell me about it. I'm glad he's gone. He didn't stand a chance against Ninjago's villains. We do. I don't know when the Government will realize that, but it needs to be soon.

Timeskip to when Nya, Kai, and Zane are fighting the Mechanic

The Mechanic: You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to catch me!

YinYang: Alright then, I will!

YinYang enters the stage.

The Mechanic: I thought you were dead!

YinYang: Sadly, yes. But I lived! (someone please get that reference-)

Zane: Please explain how you are still alive.

YinYang: That's the thing, I'm not. I died. I am a clone of the original YinYang, but I am perfectly identical, so basically I'm him now. I bet you missed me, didn't ya?

The Mechanic is using this opportunity to escape.

Kai: You could say that.

Nya: In a way.

YinYang: Now you don't have to miss any more classes to save Ninjago! I've got it from here!

Kai: *Identical in every way, but somehow he's even more arrogant!*

Nya: Ha ha, very funny. We were in the middle of taking care of something, so you can just go and relax, we've got this!

Zane: Guys-

Nya: Not now Zane.

YinYang: Well, the difference between you and I, is that I'm government officiated, and you are not. You're lucky I'm not apprehending you right now.

Zane: Guys.

Kai: Not now Zane! What exactly do you mean, YinYang? We've been protecting Ninjago for years, why wouldn't we be government officiated?

YinYang: Because you aren't sent by the government to go in missions-

Zane: Guys!

Kai & Nya: What!?

Zane: The Mechanic's escaped!

YinYang: Great going guys. This is why I should be saving Ninjago city instead of you preschoolers.

Kai: Excuse me? He only escaped because you showed up! And what do you mean by preschoolers? We're all much older than preschoolers, and we're much smarter than them too!

YinYang: I never said you were dumb, that came out all on its own.

Kai: I swear when I get my hands on you-

Nya: Kai let's go.

YinYang: Did you just threaten me? Take that back or I'll report you to the authorities!

Kai: Fine, I take it back, happy?

Zane: Let's go!

Kai: Fine.

Timeskip to when the Ninja are at the FBI headquarters:

Receptionist: Hi! How can I help you-

Kai: What's with the new YinYang!?

Receptionist: I'll get Jeff for that, one second.

A few minutes later:

Jeff: Oh, you again. You missed us that much, huh?

Kai: Haha, very funny. Just tell us how YinYang is still alive.

Jeff: I'd watch your tone if I were you, we could have you back in that room in five minutes.

Lloyd: (sarcastically) Please?

Jeff: Fine. This is a clone of YinYang, not the original one you met a couple of months ago. He, like all clones, had a mission. His mission was to kill Pythor, but he failed, so we released the second clone, and he's on his mission right now.

Jay: Which is?

Jeff: To eliminate Garmadon.

Cole: I'm sorry, his mission is to what?

Lloyd: Call it off.

Jeff: I'm afraid it's too late for that, if you would, follow me please.

The Ninja follow Jeff to a room with a bunch of monitors.

Jeff: Here, we can see what YinYang is doing from a camera on his suit.

We switch to YinYang's perspective as he enters the Monastery following Garmadon.

Garnadon: Wu? Where are you? I need to talk to you. (He was going to tell Wu to keep an eye on Lloyd since he got back from his trip with Garmadon, he's been acting a little different, but it's not noticeable when he's around the others. But Wu will never know that vital piece of information.)

YinYang: I'm sorry, but Wu isn't here right now.

Garmadon: What did you do with my brother?

YinYang: I haven't done anything, but you might wanna be more concerned with what I'm going to do to you.

They fight, but in the end, YinYang kills Garmadon. (Garmadon is killed, but he comes back later, but no-one knows that for the rest of the season.)

YinYang: Mission report, mission completed, returning to headquarters.

Lloyd: Bring him back! Bring him back now!

Jeff: I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do.

Lloyd: You're not sorry, bring him back!

Jeff: Watch your tone.

Lloyd's eyes turn red.

Lloyd: If you can't bring him back, you better watch your back!

Jeff: If you don't take that back, we can change your mind with a week in the testing room.

Kai: He takes it back! C'mon Lloyd, let's go.

Lloyd: No! I'm not going anywhere until they bring him back!

Jeff: Alright, we can arrange that, which room would you like? 1, 4, or 7?

Zane: He will not be staying, but thank you for the offer. *through gritted teeth* Let's go.

Lloyd: They brought YinYang back, why can't they bring him back?

Jeff: Because he's a horrible person, and he's been on our list for a while.

Lloyd: He's not a horrible person! He was a good father, and a good sensei too!

Jeff: If you don't control yourself, I'm calling security and you will spend the next week in solitary confinement.

Lloyd: If you don't bring him back, you will spend that last of your very short life in agonizing pain!

Lloyd threatens Jeff with energy, and Kai grabs his wrist.

Lloyd: Let me go!

Kai: C'mon, let's go.

Lloyd: No! I'm not done!

Kai drags him out of the room.

Zane: So sorry about that, won't happen again.

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