The Rave'N

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A/N- sorry for not updating yesterday I was super tired but today is a good day. AHHHH ITS FINALLY THE RAVE'N BE EXCITED. that is not a threat. Oh and I'm not going to do super long chapters like other stories but it will be more chapters.😅 Happy reading!

3rd pov

Today was the day before the Rave'N for the Nevermore students and everyone was excited to go except for Wednesday.

Y/N was walking to his next class until he was stopped by a familiar painter.

"I want to talk Y/N." He said avoiding eye contact with the day walker.

"And I want to go to class." Y/N said rolling his eyes and started to walk again until being stopped again.

"What do you want Xavier, you want to tell me Wednesday's yours and I should back off. Because I honestly don't care. Yes I do." Y/N said, thinking the last part.

"Did you ask her to the dance yet." Xavier asked still not looking at the male.

"No, why, are you going to ask her so you're asking me to tell you everything about her so you can ask her?" The damphir said in a mocking tone making Xavier scoff and walk off.

"Asshole." The male whispered to himself as he walked to his next class without getting stopped.


"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery. Or deception."

Thornhill said while Yoko and Y/N were examining a plant on their desk. Y/N was about to pass out from not getting enough sleep until Ms.Thornhill spoke again.

"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" She asked.

"Nada. Just like all the guys at Rave'N." Bianca said making most of the class laugh.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework." Thronhill said making the students more joyous than they were before.

"But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee." She said. "Anyone interested come and see me up here."

"Go volunteer bat woman." Y/N joked, he knew how much she hated when people called her that. All she did was hiss in response.

"How about you Batman?" She said annoyed and both of them wanted to punch each other. There is no flirting, no romantic feelings, just two teenagers that get annoyed like a brother and sister would.

Wednesday however saw their entire conversation, the sight wasn't pleasant at all but to most of the student knew that they didn't like each other, mainly because how Y/N went off on the Nightshades.

When class ended Y/N was going to visit Wednesday but was surprised by a werewolf from behind.

"Do that again, I will not guarantee your safety." Y/N said to the smiling girl.

"Oh. Anyways are you going to ask Wednesday to the dance?" Enid said with a smile.

"Why should I tell you? But I don't know that girl over there keeps on eyeing me now I'm afraid she's going to ask me." The day walker said looking at the girl then looking away in fear.

"You should definitely ask! But if that girl does ask you just say how you're interested in someone else!" The werewolf said a little too loud.

Ghost Orchid-Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now