'Titanic' pt 3

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Hiii! For this chapter I recommend listening to 'Hymn to the sea' or 'My heart will go on' since they are from Titanic and will make this chapter more dramatic. Enjoy 🥰🤗

As Claire and Matt were worried if they will survive, Caroline came back on the ship, willing to finish her plan. Claire was really worried about the ship sinking and decided to tell Vanessa about it.

"-Matt, I have to go to tell Vanessa about it! I'll be back as soon as I can." Claire said, with a sad looking face.

"-Alright, but please, be careful! And remember that I love you." He smiled.

"-How could I ever forget?" She smiled back and left to find Vanessa.


Claire left to find Vanessa, but as soon as Caroline saw her alone, she and her 2 bodyguards caught her. The bottom compartiments of the ship started to gain water quite faster then expected and a few of the crew people died already.

Caroline decided to leave Claire up in one of the 3rd class rooms. She tied her up on the bed and locked the room. Claire didn't even try to scream. She knew it was pointless and tried to be tough.

Her eyes started to water thinking about how she's going to die. She had a thought or two about how this might might end but never in her life she would've imagined such a thing. Dying without Matt. All the time she comforted herself with the thought that at least they are going to die together. Now she won't even have that.


As soon as water started to show up quite well in the 3rd class rooms soon panic was settled. Everyone was screaming and trying to save their lives. In one of those rooms you could hear a girl crying. No one came after her or even questioned why wasn't she saving herself. They were too busy fighting for their own lives.

Matt was on the 1st class deck, wondering why Claire didn't come back. He went to find Vanessa himself and ask her about Claire. When he finally found her he asked her:

"-Where's Claire? Did she tell you about the ship sinking?"

"-She never came to me, but I know some roomers about water in the 3rd class rooms. I didn't actually thought they were true though!" Vanessa said.

"-Wait, what do you mean she never came to you?! She told me she was going to warn you about it! And if she's not with you then...Where is she?" Matt asked.

"-I don't know, but if you want to find her you should hurry. I would help you but I want to save my life while I can. Goodbye Matt, and good luck with Claire, I hope you'll find her!" Vanessa said, getting out of her room to get to a life boat.

Matt couldn't believe how selfish people can sometimes be. But he also realised he didn't have time to argue with Vanessa and had to find Claire himself. He asked people about her but no one saw her. He was loosing hope and so was Claire. In the room Claire was trapped in the water was already getting big. She fortunately freed herself but couldn't open the door because of the water that was already reaching her waist.

The water was as cold as ice, like 1000 nifes stabbing you all over your body. She couldn't think, breathe or feel. Well, at least not anything but pain.


When Caroline escaped, she walked past Matt, pushing him a little. He recognised her immediately and went after her, realising that what Claire said was true. He turned to her with a face full of revenge, grabbed her by her shirt and pinned her to the wall.

"-Where is she?" Matt simply asked.

"-Where is who?" Caroline said.

"-Oh, I think you know who. Now tell me where she is!" He said one more time.

"-I don't know!" Caroline lied.

"-You're lying. Tell me where she is! This is your last chance before I'll kill you! Your life for her life!" He said, pointing out with his eyes at her neck, as a sing he'll suffocate her.

"-Alright! She's on the 3rd floor in one of the rooms. I don't remember which one but I have the key. I think it's a waste of time anyways. The water is very high there, I doubt she is survived by now." Caroline said, giving the key to Matt.

"-Don't—— run..." Matt said.

She ran away. He didn't have enough time to go after her and Claire. He looked at the key in his hand. It had written on it the number 348. Matt ran away to the elevator. It didn't work. Shit. That was a big problem, the stairs would take much longer.

Since he didn't have an option he ran straight down the stairs and didn't stop until he reached the 3rd floor. The water was reaching his neck. He went down the stairs slowly this time, since the water was freezing. He started questioning if Claire was alive. To be in this cold water for such a long time and survive was a really hard thing.

Matt swimmed down the corridor until he reached the right door.

"-Claire?! Are you in there?!" Matt nervously asked behind the door, struggling to unlock the door that was already underwater.

No answer.


He pushed the key harder and finally unlocked the door. Matt saw her laying with her hole body underwater. He got scared and immediately got her out of the water.

"-Claire, please! Please don't do this to me! Please!" Matt started crying at this point. He didn't know what to do.
"-Claire I swear if you ever wake up I will marry you as soon as we land. And if you don't, I will never marry or date anyone else. I promise! Just wake up..." Matt was crying like a baby.

He couldn't leave her there but if he didn't leave that floor now he might not leave at all. There was only one thing left to do, say his goodbyes.

"-If this is the end of our story, I want you to know that you were a great friend, best friend and girlfriend. No one could replace you. You were the only one. And I want to thank you, for never really giving up on us. You always tried to make us work, it was me who always doomed it, and I'm sorry." Matt said, ready to let go of Claire's body.

I know I might get killed for this but I have to make a part 4 since the hole titanic thing is getting bigger than I expected😭💗🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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