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By this point killua was not surprised that all of his neurological testing came back perfectly normal. There seemed to be nothing wrong with him aside from having seemingly materialized in mid air.

Killua walked into the waiting room and saw All Might talking to tsukauchi. "Sorry. No sign of neural impairment." Tsukauchi scratched his head. "This may be one of the strangest cases I've ever worked on. And that's saying a lot." Killua shrugged. "Anyway, thanks for your help." But as he started walking towards the door allmight laid a firm hand on his shoulder. "Just where is it you're planning on going young zoldyck?" "Oh i dont know. I'll figure it out as I go." "Nonsense!"All might shouts. "You'll come stay with me! I'm recommending you to attend U.A!"

Killua would never be sure how all might had convinced him to go along with this stupid idea. He decided at least for the moment, to chalk it up to being tired and confused. None the less he soon found himself in the spare room of all mights apartment. He had reverted to his normal form. Killua set out his few possessions on his desk. "We'll go get you some new clothes tomorrow." All might says. "Social services will pay me a stipend for taking care of you. But for now let's order a pizza."

All might spent the whole summer training midoriya. Killua, having nothing better to do tagged along. Midoriya had an eternal positivity that seemed somehow familiar and comforting to killua. And killua was able to give Midoriya some advice on how to make the most of his training. The two boys quickly became friends. Finally the day came that Midoriya had cleared the whole beach. "Took you long enough." Killua jests. all might plucks out a single hair. "Eat this!" He proclaims. Killua rolls on the ground laughing as Midoriya swallows the hair. "Now hurry along to the exam. Your body should process the hair just in time for the exam!" As Midoriya runs off all might turns to killua. "The recommendation exam is tomorrow. Do you feel ready?" "Yeah it'll be fine."

The recommendation exam was super disappointing. Midoriya got to fight robots. Killua got to do a freaking obstacle course. So uncool. he godspeeded through it in 10 seconds flat. Midoriya and killua both passed and managed to successfully enroll in U.A. As we walk into the classroom they see a guy with glasses shouting at a blonde boy. Blondie looks over and scowls. he get up and marches over to killua. and grabs him by the collar "HEY YOU BASTARD! DONT THINK YOU SAVED ME! I HAD THE SITUATION TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL! I DIDNT NEED YOUR HELP AT ALL!" Killua peeled bakugo of himself. "Do I know you?" Bakugo's eye twitched. "This is Kaachan" Midoriya whispered urgently in killuas ear. "Hes the one the villain was attacking when you dropped in." Killua looks closely at bakugo. "Oh yeah. Sorry I didn't recognize you without the slime monsster wrapped around you." Then he takes a seat in the back without another word.

As we walk out to the practice field everyone is wondering what the test will be like. "allright Bakugo. you got the first place in the entrance exam. what was your furthest throw in middle school?" "64 meters." Bakugo announces smugly. "Try it with your quirk." he hands bakugo the ball. Bakugo blasts the softball over 700 meters. Killua was not very impressed. As they proceeded with the quirk testing killua quickly realized something was very wrong. He sprinted too fast for the robot to measure. he jumped 500 meters past the sand pit. he broke the grip strength gage. in every test he didn't just exceed the rest of the class, he was on a completely different level. Killuas quirk seemed more akin to magic than physical abilities. by the time it was his turn for the softball throw he was so deep in his own thoughts he barely registered the commotion of Midoriya breaking his own finger and bakugo throwing a tantrum. Finally he made his throw. Killua focused all his aura into his right arm and hurled the ball with max power. He tied Urarakas infinity. Killua didn't bother with the rest of the tests. he sat against the wall lost in thought. He felt a growing sense of unease. some unnamed instinct told him he didn't belong here. he looked up as he sensed a presence standing next to the wall. he lloked up seeing Mr. Aizawa. "Who got expelled?" Killua asked. "Nobody. that was just a rational deception." "figures." The two sat in silence for a moment. "all might told me about your amnesia. Im sure that must be very confusing for you." Killua clenched his hand. "Yeah." Aizawaw placed his hand gently on killuas head. "Your quirk is extraordinary. truly ive never seen anything like it. But don't worry about that for now. Just focus on moving forward. and im sure youll find where you've been."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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