Chapter 1

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My steps echoed in the hospital as i walked trough the endless hall of doors. The flowers in my hand bouncing, hitting my leg every other step. I was going to see Julie, my little sister, who got sick again. This time it's apparently serious, yet doctors cannot tell us what's wrong, assholes. I stop. I look to the side, trying to see the kids and to get in the other peoples business, because that's my one and only passion. A boy, my age, surrounded by four little kids, they're asking him for something. He's in hospital clothes and hes holding on to a iv pole, as if he needed support to stand. Hes smiling at the kids. I can't make up what the kids are saying, and after a weird while of staring i countiniue my way to Julie. When i enter the room she greets me with a smile, as if her heart didn't stop yesterday.

"I got you something" I say as i put the flowers on the table.
"I hate tulips"
"Fuck you then. They were on sale"
She lets out a laugh and i smile, glad to hear her laughter again. We spent hours talking about the stupidest things that you will always wonder but never get an answer to. I only noticed that i've been with her for too long when i see the sun set, i stand up.

"Gotta go. See you tomorrow, yeah?" I pat her head.
"I hope you fall down the stairs on your way out."
"Me too." I give her a smile and leave.
The hospital is filled with orange light, making it slightly less depressing. I look out of the windows, watching the sun as i pass by. Someone bumps into me, i turn around to see who it is. It's the boy from earlier, looking a little bit worse than he did.

"I'm sorry-" I blurted out, concerned, since bumping into patients can be quite dangerous.
"No i'm sorry. I wasn't looking where i was going." The boy says as he straightens his back. In the golden light his then dark eyes reveal the most beautiful brown i've ever seen, the light reflects on his perfect black hair. We stand there, staring at eachother. I break the silence.
"Why are you here?" I say.
He paused, surprised at my question, then letting out a chuckle as he looked at the ground, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
"What? Did i say something wrong?" I panicked a little, but hearing him laugh, i couldn't resist but to laugh with him.
"It's a long story." He says, trying to stop laughing. "Why are you here? You don't seem to be dying."
"I'm not. I was here to see my little sister, Julie." I point my eyes behind him on Julie's room and he looks behind him.
"Didn't know siblings care for eachother like that." He looked back at me, grinning.
"Didn't know i'd meed a guy my age in a hospital." I say and immediately regret it. "Im sorry- i didn't mea-" My words were cut short with his laughter again. What was so funny? I looked at him confused, he looked at me like he wanted to stop laughing, but when he saw my face he laughed even more and that's when a nurse came. She said she was looking for him. I gave him a little wave before i left. I looked back, seeing him walk away with the nurse, still holding on to that iv pole. What human being could possibly have eyes so beautiful?

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