After the call- Ravi's perspective

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I found my self again crying I miss her so bad and she still don't realize that.At least she is coming back this week but I am still scared.What if she have a boyfriend?What if she don't wanna be friends anymore?I love her to much I can lose her.She is mine Team Pip and Ravi.
"Ravi I am home" my mum screamed from the living room.I went downstairs and sit on the couch near her."Mum i just talked to Pip"
For her wasn't something new.I couldn't tell her the truth so I lied that I still speak to Pip.
"What does she said sweetheart?"
"She is coming home this week"She hugged me tightly she looked as excited as I was.
"I can't wait to show her the present.Do you think she will be happy?"."Of course she will,you said she always wanted a dog since the last one died I am sure she will love him.What is his name?"
"Sarge" I said while tears started pouring out my eyes. "Is everything ok Ravi?" "Yeah I'm ok"
"You don't seem ok" "I'm just nervous to see her after all this hard time"Mum hugged me .I love that I can talk everything with her, okay maybe not everything because I don't think I could ever tell her that Pip killed a man and I helped her to go away with everything that will be to much.

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