One - Peaceful Beginnings

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The sun beamed down on the vast ocean, creating beautiful patterns and reflections in the deep blue water. Underneath the water, you could clearly see a massive sea temple, covered in fancy lights. Someone rich and powerful had made their stay inside it.

What a beautiful day, with barely any clouds in the sky. In the centre of this ocean sat many sparsely placed, small islands, and in the centre of those sat two larger islands. In between them was a small base made out of blackstone, prismarine and ice, presumably owned by the same man who lived in the sea temple.

One of the two larger islands were entirely inhabited by people, the other much less. Either way, the people that lived on the densely populated 'Main Island' lived quite luxurious lives. Over the months, many of them had arrived by boats from far off mainland.
Others lived on the slightly outer islands too, either to show independence or simply for peace and quiet.

The grassy landscape of the island was full of buildings, trees and farms. Off to the side of the island, there was a small hill. On top sat an enchantment table, surrounded by some bookshelves. Overall, the island had quite a nice atmosphere and good vibes.

It even had a huge community storage area on the large beach. There were plenty of chests to come and take from at no cost. That way, if you had just moved in, you would still be able to supply yourself. It was the kind of place everyone would want to be. It was almost like paradise, or even some sort of heaven...

This 'Main Island' was first discovered and inhabited by someone named Bubbles, not too long ago from now. He was a quiet young boy, who often purposefully isolated himself from others. The locals who knew him were afraid of him. There was simply something uncanny about him. The vibes he gave off were in great contrast to the positive vibe of the rest of the island.

Things on the island had felt a little tense recently. Not since the nations were created. The first one to be created was by Honor, also known as Mitchell, the man who owned the sea temple. He ran the Arctic Empire. The Arctic Empire knew no rules and preferred a world under nobody's control. Governments were not in their favour. Mitchell alone was powerful enough to destroy the other countries. Some of the villagers argue that he had something going for him. A secret he wasn't willing to share.

Bubbles, who founded the island in the first place, was not happy about this. He got so angry that he stormed away from the island and created a nation of his own. He named it 'Fishdome', which was placed in the ocean near the sea temple, and resembled a huge, cuboid fish tank made completely out of glass. They kept quiet, and were as unpredictable as their leader. Not a word was spoken about them. The villagers were too intimidated to say anything.

The third was the closest to the Main Island. Created by a boy of similar age to Bubbles, Ducc, also known as Jack, Ducctopia was a neutral faction that enjoyed the peace. It was placed on a fairly sized island barely 50 blocks from the beaches of the Main Island. Jack wore a ridiculous chicken outfit complete with a chicken hat, and chicken legs and wings. He was fairly smart and strong but always found himself under someone else's control. However, he was going to change that this time. The only thing they wanted was to keep everything neutral and normal.

The fourth and final one is shrouded in mystery. The Diamond Isles was placed on a small outer island not far from Fishdome, and about 100 blocks from the Main Island. It was run by someone the people didn't know very well. He rarely showed his face, and it was terrifying when he did. He was a man. An enderman. An enderman named Gilly734, but better known as just Taylor. He looked like a weird mixture of human and enderman. It was said that he had been recently engaged, which was a surprise to everyone who heard. The Diamond Isles stood for bravery and belief in themselves.

These four nations had no conflict, with The Diamond Isles keeping to themselves far away, Ducctopia contantly enforcing and encouraging peace, Fishdome staying almost completely silent, and the Arctic Empire counting their riches in secret. They seemingly lived in harmony together, but all of them were prepared for any possible attacks that could happen. All four leaders knew that in truth, peace was not forever.

But today on this peaceful island, things that were originally normal are going to quickly become unusual. Villagers gathered around signs plastered onto walls and fences. All of them read one thing: '7PM'. Overnight they had all appeared, with seemingly no cause. Whoever had done it had done it completely unnoticed.

This sign suggested perhaps a party, a meeting, or an announcement maybe? When people noticed the signs, they swiftly ran off to their nation leaders, enticing them to come and join in with the event. The leaders were extremely sceptical and arrived near the beach that evening to see what was going on.

Today marked the first day ever where everyone was going to be in one place at one time. What could go wrong?

Bubbles SMP: Retold - Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now