Eight - Decimated Duck

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The moon shone brightly down on the sands of Ducctopia. Bubbles looked upon the land, breathing in the cool air.

"Wow, this place is disappointing. I was expecting more..." Bubbles taunted.

He noticed a construction site, with a large obsidian basement, deep underneath the water. The water lift worked fine, so Bubbles swiftly used it to reach the bottom. This must be where the people of Ducctopia were setting up a base.

Jack followed from a short distance. He also used the water lift to reach the bottom and confront Bubbles.

Do you know- how much of a villain you are...?" Jack chose his words carefully, as he reached the bottom of the elevator.

Bubbles stood, back turned to him within the dimly lit room. It was completely empty.

"I'm not a villain at all..." Bubbles responded.

"Oh yeah? Well, give me a reason on why you're not a villain then." Jack retaliated with anger.

"I'll give you a good reason. It's because I'm fighting for what I want..." Bubbles said, still with a straight face.

"What? That doesn't even make any sense!" Jack spoke in awe.

Bubbles shook his head and ignored him. He pulled out his enchanted netherite pickaxe and tore down some of the obsidian walls and floors, just out of spite.

"Listen, there's one thing that sets us apart, and that's the fact that I actually have a country. I actually have a chance." Bubbles began.

"What does that have to do with the disc then?"

"If you thought Ducctopia had a chance, you had a-whole-nother storm coming."

Jack stood in shock. What was he supposed to do? Bubbles quickly set up the soul sand and wither skulls in the same way as before, but this time, he placed the third head on.

The wither began to charge up. Just a few more seconds before it would wreak havoc in the base. Both Bubbles and Jack sprinted to the water lift, swimming up it as fast as they could move.

As they reached the top, Mitchell suddenly arrived. Bubbles lightly panicked. He was hoping that Mitchell wouldn't take any sides. He was aware of how tough he really was.

"Oh, hey guys." he greeted casually, as if nothing was wrong.

Bubbles looked at Mitchell in confusion. He was a criminal, an outlaw. He was wanted by everyone. How come Mitchell hadn't killed him already?

"Uhhhhh... hi?" Bubbles replied.

"Nice job destroying the whole island and stuff. I mean, I kinda liked the trading, but uhhh... yeah." Mitchell said, awkwardly scratching his wrist.

Bubbles had the feeling that Mitchell was hiding something from them, but he didn't really care right now.

"Hey, big man, got any TNT?" Bubbles asked him.

"What?" Jack asked.

He looking between them both, afraid of what Bubbles planned to do with the TNT he seeked.

"Oh, here." Mitchell said.

He heaved some TNT from his ender chest and handed him a stack. Mitchell didn't really want to give him any TNT, but if it kept Bubbles distracted. Besides, Mitchell loved demolition and anarchy more than anyone.

"Cheers." Bubbles nodded, putting it into his inventory.

From beneath their feet, the wither's loud screeches and wails began to ring out. Mitchell's eyes widened a little. He didn't realise how far Bubbles was going...

"Oh, by the way, you do realise that the wither is just gonna be stuck down there now?" Mitchell raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, of course I do. That was the whole point funnily enough." Bubbles tutted.

"Oh, right. Anyway, I think I'm just gonna dip now..." Mitchell muttered, trailing off.

He suddenly threw an ender pearl straight into the ocean and disappeared from sight.

"Well, that wasn't suspicious at all..." Jack said, watching Mitchell as he swam away.

He looked back to Bubbles, who had suddenly disappeared. A loud 'BANG!' confirmed Jack's fear. He quickly turned to face the explosion. The large concrete duck statue that Jack had made as a mascot for the nation, was now missing its head.

"Hey! Stop!" Jack called, frantically running at Bubbles.

He barely skidded to a stop, before he went head first into Bubbles' sword.

"Right. Armour off." Bubbles barked.

Jack didn't budge. Bubbles had already done his damage. What else was he going to do that he hadn't already done?

Bubbles thought to himself. He stared Jack in his angry eyes. He felt so bloodthirsty. He was unsatisfied with the little amount of harm he had caused Jack. Before Jack could move, Bubbles had already made his decision on what to do next.

He violently and unexpectedly thrusted his sword forwards. It pierced through Jack's neck with ease. Jack choked for air as the blood began to spill.

Bubbles pushed the sword in deeper, and madly stared down Jack in his terrified eyes. He had gone completely pale, like the life had drained from him. Finally, Bubbles removed the blade from Jack's neck, and stood back as he fell to his knees. Jack's health bar was draining away like the blood from his body.

He then poofed away, and his entire inventory flew into the air and landed all around Bubbles.

"One life down..." Bubbles grinned.

You see, everyone in this world has three chances at living. Once you lose your final life, you are sent to the afterlife, or 'limbo' as some people called it. Each life is valuable, and now Jack had just lost his first.

Everything was black, until Jack respawned in his bed, panicking with immense fear, his frantic breaths like a malfunctioning machine. Dying was the least pleasant experience anyone could go through. He grasped at his throat, bloodless and intact. He was fine.

He quickly leaped out of bed and darted out of his ruined house, straight back to where Bubbles and his items were. He was expecting Bubbles to stop him, but he just stood back and allowed Jack to reclaim all of his items.

"So, how did that feel?" Bubbles smiled calmly. "Bet you didn't like that. That should teach you to NEVER defy me again."

"You fucking crazy bastard..." Jack muttered under his breath.

Jack scooped up all of his stuff and put his armour back on. He was beyond angry. There had to be a way to get the upper hand, or just total revenge. He secretly reached into his pocket. There had to be something he could use against his tormentor.

He grasped a bottle. It must have been one of the potions he grabbed earlier. Somehow, he had absolutely no memory of what was in it. It didn't matter, anything would have to do.

Bubbles SMP: Retold - Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now