Six - Unfair Advantages

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Bubbles arrived on the little sand island. With his shovel, he dug out a little pattern. He filled the holes he dug with cobblestone. In the centre of the pattern, he towered up a few blocks using obsidian.

His plan was to put the jukebox at the top of this small tower, which he would then cover up with more obsidian, so that Jack would not be able to reach it. The idea was that they would have a battle while the disc played, which would irritate Jack and push him to his boiling point. Bubbles grinned to himself at the thought of it.

He pulled out the disc again and examined it fully. The sunlight reflected off of it perfectly. It was a beautiful looking disc. Completely pristine. Not a nook, cranny or dent in it at all.

Jack had been watching him from afar. He himself had travelled across the dangerous ice bridge, and almost fell into the lava below multiple times. He was truly willing to risk his life for this disc. He could just barely see Bubbles holding it.

Jack threw his ender pearl and landed on the island. Bubbles heard this and smiled. The fool had stumbled right into his trap. He did not turn around to face him.

Jack looked up at him. He did not understand what he was doing. Bubbles placed down a jukebox before finally turning around to face him.

"Hi, Jack. I guess it's about time we finally collide, isn't it?" Bubbles politely greeted him.

"I- guess?" Jack stammered.

"Now, we both know that I have something you want. That's how I know that you'll agree..." Bubbles continued.

Jack's eyes fell onto the jukebox at the top of the pillar.

"You may see this jukebox over here?" he asked, patting it roughly.

"I'm guessing my pigstep disc is going in it?" Jack replied, gaining little confidence.

Bubbles raised the disc above his head and waved it around to tease him.

"Now, I have a deal for you." Bubbles smiled at him, "If you win this fight, you can have the disc back, as long as you give me all of my stuff back."

Jack raised an eyebrow. He stood and waited for the other side of the deal.

"However, if I win, you can have your stuff back, but you are hired as my servant and prisoner." he finished, grinning down at Jack's shocked face.

Jack was gobsmacked. Bubbles wanted him as a slave? That didn't sound right at all. Maybe Taylor was right to stop him from facing Bubbles.

"Fucking what?" Jack asked in disbelief. "I'm not gonna be your slave!"

"We'll see."

Bubbles' smile remained, as he slowly reached into his pocket. He grabbed a weakness potion and held on to it tightly.

"Right, are you ready?" Bubbles asked, prepared to fight.

"No, actually!" Jack spoke with blatant panic in his voice.

Bubbles surrounded the jukebox with obsidian. He then dropped the music disc into the jukebox and covered the top with obsidian, making it very difficult to access.

"I'm very not ready for this, actually..." Jack murmured, holding on to his sword with maximum effort.

Bubbles slowly looked back down at Jack, grinning villainously. Without any warning, he threw the potion of weakness on Jack, hitting him square in the chest.

"Oh, well fuck you then!" he retorted.

"May the best leader win..." Bubbles laughed, leaping from the pillar to the sand below, netherite sword drawn.

Jack started to back away, holding his sword up. He was shaking. He didn't consider himself as much of a fighter. However he knew that inevitably he was going to have to toughen up and fight.

"Pussy! Come and fight me!" Bubbles taunted.

Jack remained silent, the melody of the pigstep disc loudly playing from a distance.

"Run away, and it's my victory." Bubbles gave off a bloodthirsty stare.

He launched a second weakness potion. Jack jerked to the left and it flew over his shoulder and into the water.

"Ha! It missed me, you nerd!" Jack teased, rolling away from Bubbles.

Bubbles growled with irritation, watching Jack stupidly run around the pillar in circles for a little while, trying to be as passive as possible.

"You can't avoid this!" Bubbles laughed madly. "YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!"

Bubbles sent a volley of arrows at Jack, hitting his chestplate and leggings a few times. Jack realised that if he didn't start fighting back now, he would surely lose.

As Jack hid behind the pillar, he remembered the pain Bubbles had put everyone back on the Main Island through. How he feels no remorse for them. How he doesn't care about them.

Jack stopped running and rebounded on Bubbles, leaping at him. He slammed his sword against Bubbles' and repeatedly chipped away at it.

He swung his sword from left to right, raking the tip across Bubbles' armour. Bubbles brought back his blade quickly to parry Jack's attack, then launched one of his own, which cut the through the air as Jack evaded it.

Jack used all of his energy and swept his sword diagonally, slashing part of Bubbles' chestplate. It left a large dent in its place. Bubbles backed down for a moment, trying to be careful. Perhaps he had underestimated Jack's fighting ability...

"Stop- stop fighting, for just a minute." Bubbles panted, stumbling away from Jack.

He held up a hand to signal for him to stop. Jack grinned and celebrated his victory, but it didn't last long. Bubbles quickly pulled out an enchanted golden apple and a flint and steel.

"Let's change things up a wee bit, shall we?" he gave an evil smile, lowering his head.

"Shit." Jack panicked with realisation.

Bubbles instantly swallowed the apple and launched himself forwards at Jack, igniting the floor beneath him. Jack got caught in the flames and instinctively jumped backwards, placing water beneath him to put himself out.

Quicker than lightning, Bubbles fired arrow after arrow. He wasn't planning on giving Jack any recovery time. The enchanted apple gave him the perfect amount of energy for fighting. Luckily, Jack managed to dodge almost all of them. A couple if them stuck into his armour, but none touched his skin.

"You jammy little-" Bubbles growled.

Jack powered through the constant rain of arrows and tackled Bubbles, knocking them both to the ground. They rolled around in the sand, punching and kicking for a while before Jack raised his sword and stabbed Bubbles in the shoulder pad.

Jack used the split-second opportunity to jump up to his feet, kicking Bubbles back to the sand. He had only one goal in mind. Getting the disc back was all that mattered now.

Bubbles SMP: Retold - Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now