the main kids

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Woooo doing this again-

-kinda spunky, sassy, sarcastic, and witty

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-kinda spunky, sassy, sarcastic, and witty

-behaves like your average sassy wine aunt

-has many aliases including seagull, dumb little guppy, tadpole, birdie, and feathers (courtesy of Storm)

-can mimic any voice perfectly- kind of uncanny sometimes

-the type that would evoke a bar fight then conveniently dissapear

-also the type to tell flirting people off by saying something like "you can't handle this"

-she can swim but usually doesn't because it gets her feathers wet and she has to spend like half an hour preening them

-moody when she molts

-moody when she molts

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-loves tea

-also loves classical music

-snarky, "proper", really tired of the shenanigans he didn't ask for (he can be a sweet fellow when you get to know him however)

-hates Cloud for some reason bAhA- (that fluffy dragon dude in a previous chapter)

-cool gOldEn fire

-the only one keeping the others out of trouble

-thinks that Paradise's voice thing is kinda cool but unsettling as hell (gets pissed when she starts talking in like a deep male voice in the middle of the night just to bother him)

-help the kinda really had that rivals to love shi-

-a artificially made "living weapon" by Wither (villian mans) she was supposed to be killed for having too many flaws but escaped

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-a artificially made "living weapon" by Wither (villian mans) she was supposed to be killed for having too many flaws but escaped

-aggressive, sarcastic, hot-tempered, takes no BS from anyone, tough

-has made several children cry

-has a cool lil dagger

-death breath stuff (passes out of she uses too much of it at once)

-yes that thing on her tail is a sword and it is permanently fused there (she was "born" with it)

-pretty good fighter

-probably owns a pair of brass knuckles

-likes whiskey

-will argue that she's gray and red not gray and pink

-will argue that she's gray and red not gray and pink

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-electricity powers oOooOo

-enthusiastic, opportunistic, full of spirit, and outgoing

-pretty fearless which is bolth a good and bad thing...

-her spikes work like actual copper and conduct electricity, so she does NOT want to be outside during a thunderstorm-

-says things when she shouldn't say things somtimes

-finds the stupid Paradise and Storm situation entertaining (like in that last shitpost)

-follows Paradise around because she thinks shes the most interesting dragon ever (that's how she got involved in these shenanigans)

-also thinks Mayhem's weapons are so interesting that she feels the need to touch all of them

-somtimes wanders away

-enjoys swimming

-she's decently smart but doesn't make very smart choices-

These are all the main characters so far! I might add Salsa but he may stick to being an important side character with Bronze and Cloud and all them

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