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Lovely banner picture I found looking through my old art books-

It's been a hot second since I've posted anything soooo here are my lil dragon protagonist fellas and their short bios or something- (yea these ones may have been in previous chapters buuut they're more like up to date now-)

It's been a hot second since I've posted anything soooo here are my lil dragon protagonist fellas and their short bios or something- (yea these ones may have been in previous chapters buuut they're more like up to date now-)

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mechanic from the Sky Nation (can fix windships n stuff but can't really fly them uH)


Fun loving n somewhat laid back, enjoys parties

Uhh pretty outgoing and social sometimes doesn't shut the helL uP

Worries about unessicary things

Can't handle flirting

She does have kind of a fish tail type thing but it's small and a lot more flexible and a lot less powerful

Real good flier

Can mimic any voice

Likes to swim somtimes but her feathers get wet and she can't really fly and has to spend a good amount of time preening them

Smallest of the 6, kinda wiry


Theif from the Desert Nation

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Theif from the Desert Nation


Flirts a loT

Will take your wallet

His stinger isn't particularly deadly or anything but it hurts quite a bit

Not serious most of the time

Has been in jail before and escaped

Likes sunning himself like a snakE

Shouldn't be alive at this point he has had like two near death experiences

Not careful-

Sly and a smooth talker

Really good tracker and can find anything or anyone for a price of course

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