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"Master," Yuki said, following him up the mountain. "Why do I need to study hand-to-hand combat if I already know how to use a sword?"

The two men were slowly ascending the poorly lit mountain. It had been days since the demon had murdered Fumiko Nikushimi, and Yuki had developed a strong hatred for demons ever since.

Yuki trembles with bloodlust whenever the subject of demons is brought up. Nothing can assist him; he is filled with rage every day. It worries the elder male, and the hatred burning inside Yuki will soon consume him unless he learns to find something he loves; what are the chances of him finding anything to enjoy with this job?

"When battling demons, it's unlikely you'll be able to block every attack with a swipe of your sword," Takahashi explained as he eventually arrived at the summit of the mountain. "You must also learn how to avoid attacks by anticipating or knowing where they are."

Yuki lowered his gaze as he took in the information, his eagerness growing as he anticipates slowly slaying demons.

"I nearly forgot," Takahashi smirked as he drew a black blindfold from his pocket.

Yuki deadpanned as he walked away from the older man, "I didn't think you were that type of person," Yuki responded, his hands out in defense.

Takahashi reddened and shook his head, saying, "Not like that, you idiot!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and inhaling deeply before explaining,

"I've noticed that you rely heavily on your eyes to see things. Because you undoubtedly have sharper eyesight than the average person, I want to teach you to use your sense of touch to detect an oncoming attack. This will help you become a great demon slayer."

Yuki groaned, glancing at his master, before putting on the blindfold and asking, "Now what?" Takahashi smirked, "Try to avoid my attack while," Yuki's brow furrowed, "Why come to the top of the mountain during winter merely to avoid attacks?" he mused.

When the young child opened his lips to say something else, he was knocked to the ground by someone kicking his feet. "The less air there is, the higher the elevation. – in other words, I will assist you in controlling your breathing."

"let's continue."

Yuki quickly rose up and charged straight forward to where he imagined his master was, thinking to himself, 'Listen for his steps in the snow,' as he continued to pursue.

'He can't hear my steps, one of the numerous strategies for water breathing,' Takahashi grinned.

"Rely on your sense of touch rather than your hearing!" He said this while kicking Yuki in the back "Feel how the air around you changes when you move. The breeze. The Warmth You feel when I'm near you!" He yelled while avoiding Yuki's attacks.

He gasped, "I can't!" as he attempted to land a strike.


Takahashi explained slowly. "When the wind blows, since when it is obstructed on one side of you." He muttered

Yuki came to a halt and took a deep breath, focusing on the breeze. He remembers the wind blowing from the east. He smirked when he no longer felt the breeze on him. He kicked the person in front of him with his leg raised.

"I won!" He exclaimed with delight. "Don't get too excited," Takahashi said as he kicked Yuki's legs out from under him.

"Complete the day with 300 swings." He moved to sit on a nearby rock.

Yuki moaned and rubbed his ass, "Okay," he groaned as he slowly stood up.

"Aren't you going to remove your blindfold?"

Yuki made a shaky motion with his head "If I want to rely less on my eyes, I need to work on improving my touch and hearing all the time, not just while I'm training. So, when I try to become a demon slayer, I'll have three advantages." He explained picking up the blade that had been flung at him.

"That surprised me since I believed you were stupid." As Yuki came to a halt in the middle of his swing, the elderly guy laughed. "Stupid old man," he mumbled, shaking his head with a smirk.



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