Who - 5 - 417 Words

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....were they?


It was a bright and sunny day, but regardless of that, it was still cold. The sun was only making the snow/slush blinding and Sokka too hot to wear his parka. He knew it was stupid to storm off in the moment and go somewhere random but, he knew where the village was and he could just follow his footprints if he got lost. "Ugh, Katara is so.....she was my mom too!" Sokka mumbled, sloshing through the slush. Hearing a loud screeching noise, Sokka stopped and ducked behind a large tree. Hearing unintelligible yelling followed by a yowl of pain, Sokka tried to blend in with the environment. Hiding until he deemed it safe and after he heard another loud screech noise that sounded like metal scrapping up against rock and ice, Sokka cautiously stepped out around the tree and walked towards where the sound came from. Looking around, he saw.....


Majin wasn't able to be the one to take him off the ship after all. When the crew found out about his plan to help the boy then escape to the earth kingdom, they threw him in prison. And yelled at Zuko before promptly throwing him off the ship. Majin could only hope that Zuko would be okay. Maybe in the future, he could go look for him. He could probably check with Iroh when he got out of prison and bring him with him.


....red clothes!? Fire Nation! But he was a kid his age! Sokka really needed friends and the boy was injured, he should bring him to the village, it'll be fine. Anyway, what's the chance he's a part of the Fire Nation army? Probably pretty low. And, if he just leaves him there he'll have guilt for the rest of his life. Slowly and cautiously approaching, Sokka tried not to seem intimidating. Getting closer, he could see that the boy had a large burn on his left eye. That most likely means that he also hates Firebenders. With his very little knowledge, he knows they can't easily burn themselves. Someone else probably burned him. Moving so the boy could see him, Sokka put his hands up as a sign of peace. Hearing a small shocked "Eek!" from the boy, Soka said, "I'm not here to hurt you. I see you're injured, want to come to my village so I can help you?" Waiting for a reply, Sokkka stood there in akward silence.

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