Ch.2~ The Boy Next Door

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When Saturday morning finally came around, I awoke to the natural beauty we call the sunlight. I stretched out my limbs and took a deep breath. A smile drew across my pale face. You were lucky to see a smile from me; unless it was a beautiful Saturday morning or Darin was making me laugh, it was extremely rare. Honestly, it was like seeing a purple panda in the wild.

I rose from my bed and hopped in the shower. The little rile dome was my only time to really think. Like most teenagers, my life's most complicated problems were solved in there. Although, it was usually just what I was going to wear.

I quickly dried my hair, afterword, and started the traditional slathering of my face with make-up. There was a sudden pounding on the bathroom door. "Onyx? Are you ready yet? Collin's here to see you."

Crap. I completely forgot about that. "I'll be out in a minute."

After rubbing away some stray lines, and throwing on more than just jeans and a tank top, I met my two guys in the kitchen, where they were conversing as if they'd known each other for centuries. "Oh, hey, Onyx," Darin said, kissing my forehead.

"Hey. Good morning, Collin."

"Morning," he said in his not-as-macho-as-he'd-like-it-to-be voice. "Feels like we haven't talked in forever."

I looked at him sideways. "Collin, you live right next door. We talk almost every morning, on my way to school. I mean, in the hallway before we leave."

"Eheh, yeah, I guess you're right. But we never hang out or anything, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," I let it all jusy hang there, letting my eyes drift to the floor.

"Oh, to be young, and feel love's keen sting," Darin spoke.

"W-what?" Collin's face went bright red, making his blue eyes even bluer and hus blonde hair fall just perfectly in front of his eye. Flipping it back, he straightened himself and cleared his throat.

"Albus Dumbledore. Great man, he was," my brother continued.

"Quit it with the Harry Potter quotes! Come on, Collin." I took his arm and stormed out of the apartment, catching Dad in the parking lot.

"Going somewhere?"

"Just to the park, Mr. Hall, like old times."

"Alright then, you kids have fun. But not too much fun," he smirked, "Oh, Collin? Can I have a word?"

"Yes, of course, sir." Dad took him to the side, and i waited under the shade of a tree.

After a few moments, Collin came back. "What was that all about?" I asked as we neared the park, "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's 'wrong'. He just asked me to protect you."

I stopped in my path, making my face express a feeling not yet invented--a combination of worry, confusion, fear, and curiosity. "Exactly, what was it, then?"

"Come with me and I'll tell you."

I followed him somewhat deep into the forest behind the park. I knew, then, that something had to be wrong. "Here's the thing," he spoke, "your dad wants me to keep an eye on you--to protect you--while you're our and away from him and Darin.

"But why?"

"There's a murderer on the loose."

"A MURDERER?!" I must've shouted, because he sushed me hastily. "But there's no way."

"Oh, trust me. There's a way." In his crystal eyes, I could see the xoncern for my safety, but the firm line he shaped his mouth into showed ... something else. I couldnt think of the word for it; it was like he HAD to protect me, as if it was his job or something. Whatever it was, if the murdered tried to get to me, or somehow actually manage to, I knew I could depend on Collin to help/save me.

At least, I hoped I knew.

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