Ch.9~ Two Years In the Making

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Onyx's POV

We'd driven around for fifteen minutes, and just decided that Collin must've been there already. At the cemetery, we were greeted by an eerie voice. "It took you long enough."

"Who's there?"

A figure landed on the grass ahead. "Really, Onyx? I thought YOU, of all people, would recognize my voice. But I guess I was wrong."

"What do you mean me?"

The mystery person stepped into the light. Oh. My. God. There was no possible way. I watched him freaking die, for Christ's sake! How was he alive?!

He smirked, "Hello, Onyx."

"M-Mitchell?! B-But you're DEAD!!"

"Do I really look dead?!"

"Well, no, but I watched you die!"

"And, yet, here I am!"

I couldn't explain just what the heck I was seeing. There, standing in front of me, was the boy I loved. Evidently, he was alive. How? Your guess was as good as mine.

"Want to know how I'm here?"

All three of us nodded,

"First," he smirked and pulled me near him. He hugged me like he used to, and planted his lips onto mine. I kissed him back, but something was missing. There were no firesworks, unlike before. What was wrong with me?? This was Mtchell LaMyse! The man I loved! The man I watched die!

Could it be that I was now in love with somebody else?! No!

He released, and kept his hand at my waist. "Let me take you guys back two years ago."


Mitchell's POV

I had a problem with my lung, causing it to collapse every so often. Eventually, the doctors told my mother that I wasn't going to make it much longer. At the stupid age of fifteen I knew antsy my girlfriend wasn't going to take the news well.

"What?" She proclaimed. We were sitting on my living room couch, while Mom was out "shopping."

"You heard me, On. I don't know how much longer I have."

Tears swelled inside of her eyes, and they were about to cone down," Why didn't you tell me?! I-I could've done something t--"

"There's nothing you could do. That's why I didn't tell you, On. Plus, I knew you'd worry yourself sick--litterally. Please, can we not talk about it?" I looked deep into her eyes, "I want to cherrish what time we have now. I love you"

Tears began to stream down her pale cheeks, and she started to cry. I pulled Onyx's head into my chest. Tears soaked my shirt, but I didn't care. This was Onyx, afterall. "I-I love you, too," she choaked out. I sang to her the song that her mother and elder brother sang to her when she got like this.

Shortly after, I was put into the hospital. With Onyx at my side, I decided that I would rest in peace that way. I was going to die happy, with my love at my side. Yeah, my lungs hurt more that they ever had before, but just being able to look at Onyx make all of the pain worth it. I was in love with her, for God's sake.

I heard my beeps slow down, so I squeaked out a modified line of Forever and Always, "I love you, Onyx. Forever and always." I felt her hand grow tighter as mine started to let go. Finally, I let my eyes close for more than a mere blink, and relaxed, so my soul could fade into the darkness.

For what seemed like moments later, my eyes opened again. Thinking I would see my girlfriend at my bedside, I instead saw a doctor hovering over me. His jaw and neck were bloodied. I didn't think that it was his, or that of another patient's.Unfortunately, it was my blood that stained his bare skin and white shirt.

I saw the stillness, masked by crazy, in his pupils. Inhis mouth, were extended canines. I started to shake in my hospital gown.

He put a hand over my mouth, "Shhe! Don't say a word. You must leave and never return. I have arranged everything. You are a full vampire, now. Please, son, leave and never come back."

I moved the hand away, "B-but who are you??"

"Mitchell LaMyse, you will find out soon enough."

After that, I roamed around the country, searching for something. Knowing I'd broken Onyx, I tried to forget about her and find somebody else. Nothing could do it. I kept finding myself going back to her ouse. For two years, I tried to stay away from her, but I kept going to her window and just watched her sleep. I couldn't help but keep my feelings for her. I then knew that I was in love with Onyx Hall.

Forever, Bleached, and AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora