Chapter 16: Dr. Horan

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I woke up early in the morning feeling like i cant breathe. I try breathing through my nose. Nope. Great I'm sick. My throat feels like i swallowed knives. I go into a coughing fit. Niall stirs awake next to me.

"Skyler? Are you okay?" His voice is low and raspy. Its actually quite sexy.

"I think i have cold." I rasp out. Niall gets up from the bed and puts on a pair of sweatpants and a teenage mutton ninga turtle t-shit-shirt. My silly boy he throws on a beanie and puts his shoes on. He walks over to my side of the bed and puts his hand on my forehead.

"Yup, you deffitnaly have a a fever. I will be right back I'm gonna go get you some stuff from the store."

"Thank you." I whisper. Niall kisses me cheek.

"I will be back soon. Harrys going to be here any minute to drop off nyler. Love you." Niall jogs out the door and down the stairs. Not even five minutes after Niall leaves i here harry come in.

"Skyler?!" His deep voice yells.

"Up here." My voice is barely audible.i here Harry coming up the stairs.

"Hey." I just wave back. He sits on the edge of the bed and put nyler next to me. "So Niall told me what happened last night. Look he does have a temper, no doubt. But he loves you. A lot. He just worries."

"I know." I admit.

"So everything is good between you ?" He asks

"Perfect." I s mile.

"Good. He wants me to wait here till he gets home. He told us about your dad."

"I know. And thank you."

"No ones going to hurt you. Your part of this family now, and we protect out family. Hes going tk have to get through a whole lot of pissed off people before he can even come close to you." I just smile at him, not really able to talk. "Well im gonna wait downstairs so i don't catch you disease "he laughs. "Bye, get well soon." Harry gives me a quick hug and walks out the door. About ten minutes later Niall comes through the door with a cup of tea and a grocery bag. I prop my self up on my pillow so I'm now sitting straight up.

"Here drink this it will help your throat." I take a sip of the hot tea and and i feel like i can actually talk. "And here i got you some cold medicine. Day time and night time, Tissues, nose spray, some candy movies. And this weird tablet thing you put in the shower. Its supposed to clear you up. Oh and these." He says pulling out a three red roses.

"Awww Niall. If i wasn't worried about getting you sick i would kiss you right now." I literally have the best boyfriend in the world.

"I don't mind." He says leaning in to kiss me. I push him away with the strength i have.

"Uh ah. No way lover boy. I'm not getting you sick right before the tour."

"Pleaseeeeeee. I don't care if i get sick." He begs.

"Now Dr. Horan, this is very unprofessional of you." I tease.

"Then i guess I'm gonna get fired." He traps my hands at my side with his and kisses me. Not just a peck on the lips though. It was a deep passionate kiss. Its like he wants to get sick. "Okay take some medicine an I'm gonna go start the shower with one of these things. He gets up and head to the bathroom. I take the cold medicine and pull my self out of bed. When i get into the bathroom i loom in the mirror.

"Ugh." I look awful. "Why didn't you tell me that i looked like a scary monster?" I asked Niall.

"Skyler, you always look beautiful to me, no mater what." He says casually as he starts the shower. He walks over to me and starts unbuttoning my shirt.

"Umm Niall, i can i undress my self." He keeps undoing my shirt.

"I don't want you to over exert yourself in this state. Its best if i do it." He gets my shirt off. I let him continue just to humor him. He places soft kisses on my bare shoulders. He moves his hand down my side sliding off my pants. I stand in front of Niall in nothing but my bra and underwear. This is the most exposed i have ever been in front of him. He pulls me into him kissing me. His hands move to the back of my bra. I laugh at him when he cant undo the clasp because of his cast. I pull away from him and reach behind me to undo it. I let it slowly fall of my shoulders and too the floor. Niall just stands there staring at me. I can see the obvious bulge forming in hi pants. I try not to giggle.

"Are you going to finish or just stand there?" I ask.

"Oh umm y-yea." He slowly walks over to me. He places his goof hand on my hip and slowly pulls down my underwear. I immediately feel overexposed. "You are so beautiful." Niall whispers. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I'm suddenly feeling a lot better. "Well...i-i'll let you take a shower. I think im gonna go take one my self...a cold one. A really cold one."'

"Haven't you ever heard the saying save water and shower with your girlfriend?" I say while pulling off his shirt.

"I don't think that, thats the best idea."

"I think its a great one." I whisper while lightly sucking on his neck.

"Skyler your sick and i want you to be able to get better."

"I already feel a lot better. That medicine and tea really helped. Please Ni." I beg giving the best puppy dog face i can. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He breaths out.

"You act like I'm asking you to help me rob a bank." I joke. "Here let me wrap your hand." The doctor gave us plastic bags to wrap Nialls hand in when he takes a shower. I carefully wrapped his hand with the bag. "Now i think i need to help you." I say tugging on the elastic of his sweat pants. I pull off his sweat pants so now hes in only his boxers. His bulge is clearly visible through his tight Calvin Klein's. I reach out to pull down his boxers, but his hand stops mine.

"S-skyler. I, I'm not sure if this is a good idea." He says with an almost pained expression on his face.

"We are just showering. Why are you so nervous?"

"What if one thing leads to another? I don't want it to happen like this, not while your sick and i have a broken hand. I want it to be special. To be perfect." He says moving a strand of hair behind my ear. He has a point.

"I guess your right." I huff. He kisses me hard and long. His hand moves down my back and lands on my behind and squeezes hard. I let out a squeal. "Niall!" I laugh. He just winks at me.

"I'm gonna go take a shower now." He gives me a light smack on the butt. "Love ya!" He shouts as he leaves the room.

"Yea yes love you to."

I take a quick shower feeling like I'm about to fall asleep. It must be the cold medicine. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I walk into my bedroom and i see Niall already in the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Wanna go down stairs and watch a movie?" He asks.

"Yea sure. Just let me change." I throw on one of Nialls t-shirts and throw on a pair of underwear. We head down stairs to the loving room nyler following behind us. We settle on the couch. Niall sits as one end while in lay my head kn his lap and lay down. He softly plays with my hair during the movie. "I think i might fall asleep." I tell Niall.

"That's okay babe. Get you rest." He pulls the blanket over me and continues run his fingers through my hair. My eyelids get heavy and i drift into a medicine induced sleep. But i here Niall whisper "love you" right before i pass out. I try to say it back but it just comes out as mumbling. And i fall asleep on Nialls lap.

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