Chapter 2

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Klee ran as fast as she possible could, although it was snowing so hard you could barely walk, and the wind was incredibly strong. But Klee could do this. For Albedo, after all it was all her fault for switching ingredients, Klee couldn't help but to blame herself. Albedo told her not to touch anything yet she didn't listen and now Albedo was unconscious.

"I must..get help...Albedo needs to get help" said Klee as she fought the snow away from her face. Her cheeks were the color of rose because of the cold. It was freezing cold and Klee was getting tired, but she had to stay strong for Albedos sake.

"..I can do it...for...Albedo..."

Suddenly Klee teared up a bit.

"This is all my fault..i switched the flowers and now Albedo is in danger" thought Klee while sniffing.

"No! this isn't time for that! I must run as fast as possible to get some help for Albedo!"

And so, Klee ran and ran almost tripping multiple times. She couldn't feel her face at this point.

And so, she finally left the Dragonspine. It was suddenly way warmer. Klee took off her little hood. The sun was shinning brightly and the wind was warm and calming. Slowly calming down, Klee began to make her way towards Monstadt hoping she wouldn't run into some trouble.

Running thru the soft grass, she heard something behind her.

A man in his carriage sitting and looking at her.

"Ey kiddo where ya running to?"

"I need to get to Monstadt quickly to get help!"

"Help you say? Eh, you are in luck, I'll be passing by Monstadt so hop in, its a 15 minute ride."

Klee thought about it, Master Jean always told to not talk to strangers and never to go somewhere with them, but she needed to get help quickly and the walk to Monstadt city is about an hour.

"Thank you mister!" Said Klee.

And the ride took off, thru the rocky road, luckily there wasn't any angry creatures or weird looking flying pets with shields. It was quiet and you could only hear the wind and the man humming. Klee took the time of the ride to calm down more.

"Well, here ya go kid, be careful" said the man

Klee nodded and ran towards the entrance of the Monstadt city. Weirdly enough, there wasn't any guards at the gate. The city was alive. People were walking around talking and laughing. You could hear bards singing and dancing. It was truly a beautiful day. After this Klee decided she will go fish blasting with Albedo, after all it is such a beautiful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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