1. Who are you?

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You felt tired, but didn't really knew why. Head heavy, pulse annoying as fuck, it was almost like hangover after really heavy party. Except you knew in your guts, that it was not after some good party.

"Come on princess, wake up." Voice of unknown man said. You didn't knew who that was. Slowly, you opened eyes, first thing you saw was your legs. Trying to move them ended with pain, the same was with your hands, rough rope on wrists rubbed them, it was just like they were attached to the chair you were sitting on. Next thing that happened was a hand pulling your hair. The whine of pain left your mouth. "There you go, we lost you here for a moment." You tried to focus your sight, you didn't knew, where you are or what you were doing in this place. You noticed after a short while a second man, he was next to the door, leaning against the wall, watching you, like you were some kind of prey left to his mercy. "What do you know about KorTac?" the first man asked. You looked back at him. He had few scars on his face, most of them were on his cheeks, but the biggest one was on his right cheek, it ended somewhere on his neck, his dark eyes looked at you in not the nicest way.

"About what?" Your voice weak and throat sore, you tried to wet your dry lips and the thing you tasted was the blood. You blinked few times, trying to understand anything from this situation.

The man's hand landed on your cheek. Hard. He slapped you across the face, still holding your hair.

"Don't play stupid, girl" he hissed into your face. You took a deep, shaky breath, tasting blood in your mouth. What the fuck is happening.

"Maybe she need something to help with her memory." Other man said, stepping closer, you noticed that he was holding the knife. He stood next to the man who hold your hair, all of your muscles tense in fear, you started to shiver a little. "Aww, look at that," he said patting the side of the cold blade against your cheek. "I think we broke her" he whispered keeping his eyes on you.

The tears left your eyes, you didn't even knew if they were because of pain you felt in your whole body or fear. Man holding the knife started putting some pressure, cutting your cheek. You hold the scream that wanted to leave your mouth. Few minutes later that felt like infinity, someone suddenly opened the door, you didn't hear what they were talking about with new person in the room, it's not like you didn't care, the only thing in your mind was to get away from the blade as much as you could. Both men let go of you, stepping away for few steps. Your head fell on your shoulder having no strength to hold it up, were just watching them with blurry vision, voices getting to you like from under the water. Few seconds later, you saw one of the men getting shot, chaos filled room.

Few new people started screaming, yelling to those who were in the room with you. Someone got to you, started assuring you that everything is fine now while cutting things holding your legs and hands painfully in one place, but because only thanks to those you didn't fall yet, you started to do so now.

"König, she needs medical help asap" that was last thing you heard before fainting in arms of unknow person.


When you started waking up whine of pain left your mouth.

"For fucks sake.." you exhaled opening your eyes, the room you were in was dark, only small lamp next to your bed was giving any light. Confused you realized it was something like hospital bed.

You looked around, nothing here looked familiar. Getting up from your bed you felt dizzy, legs still weak, but you ignored wanting to get any answers, slowly you walked to other room that turned out to be a small bathroom. You turned on light, it blinded you for a second. Noticing mirror you felt a little scared. You remembered more or less what happened before you fainted. After taking a deep breath to check your reflection. A silent sob left your mouth when you saw a lot of greenish bruises and scratches that started to heal. The biggest was on the side of your throat covered in stitches. You knew that it didn't look that bad in general, especially your face didn't look bad, there shouldn't be any scars except this on your neck, but you were scared, the fact that you didn't knew why and how you got all of them filled you with fear. Your back hit the wall, you started sliding down against it to sit down on the cold floor. Head now covered by your trembling hands, suddenly breathing was almost impossible, vision again started to get blurry from tears getting into your eyes. You don't know for how long you've been like that but when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder, you screamed moving away like wild, scared animal. With eyes wide open you looked at the person next to you. It was a man, his posture was massive. He was kneeling down, you could see that he was not only taller but also way bigger than you. He had sniper hood on his head, black paint around the eyes, so the only thing you could see was his bright eyes looking at you with some kind of care and worry. You scared and confused him with your reaction.

"Meine liebe? What happened?" he asked. His voice was low, accent strong and raw but somehow nice and warm.

"Who... are you?" you asked scared by his look and this whole situation. 

Amnestic love (König x f!Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt