The Brother Prince is Who?! Not me!!!

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I was hanging with the band. They were cool with me being a girl...except they acted different. I mean they all acted different when I was a guy but now that I am a girl  they act like...I don't know how to describe it. I left them to go join the host since I am late. Something felt off. I open the doors of the host club when a little girl shouted, "There's Debauchery here!!"

"What did I miss?" The little girl looks at me then the rest.

She points at Kyoya,"Glasses Character." then at honey and Mori, "Lolita and...Stoic type..." then at the twins"Twincest." next was Haruhi,"bookworm." She pointed at me, then shouted, "You are blonde, you must  be Big Brother!"


"We never knew you had a little sister."Twins.

"I don't. Only a brother...I still got the blonde day wig from the band on, right?"

"You do look a lot like her with a blonde wig on...and your brother too."

"Actually, almost all my family is blonde. I'm the odd ball out."

"For that matter, are 'glasses character' and 'Big Brother' on the same level?" Kyoya. Wow, even he can't believe it.

"Um.. Miss, what's your name?" Tamaki asks.


"Kirimi, you've made a mistake. I am not your big brother. Though I am one but not yours."

"Yeah, who would want Saiyo as a big brother." Tamaki, you are lucky I don't cuss in front of kids.

She started to tear up," You are not my big brother, even though you're blonde?"

I pick her up and spun her around, "But I would love one now." Everyone stood with their mouth open.

"What would you like to do first?"

"What can you do?"

"I can sing and play."

"Sing! Sing!"

Just when I was about to start and mysterious voice, "Kirimi... Kirimi..." and out popped a blonde guy from behind this mysterious door.

"Has that door always been there?" I asked Kyoya who was the closest.


"Um, who are you?" Everyone asks.

"He's a foreigner!"Honey said.

"Honey I'm a foreigner."



"And for that matter, doesn't the door look different?" Haruhi.

The blonde guy, "Kirimi..." she started to get teary.


"'ve forgotten your attire." two servants said coming out.

"Nekozawa-senpai?!" Wow, he looks good.

"Master Umehito is terribly vulnerable to bright lights." the maid said. "As such, if he doesn't shroud himself in black attire, he cannot endure the brightness and will collapse."

"So, Kirimi...what do you want t-"

"Saiwo," A crying boy stood at the entrance." I missed you." He jumped on me.

"Jakeson!" I smiled.

"On the other hand, his sister, Mistress Kirimi, hates dimly lit places."the butler said

"Then, she's Nekozawa's younger sister?" Haruhi.

"What?! Oh, great. I want a younger sister." Again. Everyone looks at me knowing what I was talking about.

Nekozawa started talking to her and she jumped back into my arms. What am I to do with two kids in my arms? Jakeson gets pretty jealous of others near me. Oh no! If he came here. I will be in trouble  if he doesn't come back. I need to bring him back right away.

"Sorry, I have to go, Kirimi. I need to leave. I'll come back soon." I carried Jakeson out.

"Saiwo...Do you go to school with those boys?"

"Yes. but your big sister can take care of herself."


I quite literally ran into Kio. He stopped and blushed harder than anyone I have known. He then burst out laughing. I stood there watching him with a bored expression.

"You done yet."

"Sorry. I just can't imagine you with a child. You do look natural."

"I have been taking care of little siblings since I was born."


After running back and forth, I made it back to the host club where Haruhi was reading Kirimi some manga. She does not look like the mothering type. Neither do I. But that is not natural. I plopped beside her. Kirimi jumped on me. I forgot she thinks of me as her big brother. I sat and listen to her read the story that a kid should not listen to.  I started to feel bad. My stomach hurt as well as my head.

"I think I am going to go home. Sorry. Tell the guys that I don't feel so well."

"You alright. Need me to help." Haruhi.

"No. I got this."

I walked home and laid on the couch. My brother was at his preschool. Both Ryan and Dad was at work. I sighed. I really don't feel so well. I wonder what is wrong with me? I fell asleep on the couch. My father put me back in my bed and found out I had a fever. There goes my plans. I was told not to go anywhere for the day.

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