Chapter 1

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Siblings Love
Brotherly Love
No ship
No Yaoi
No Yuri


<...Your Beloved Brother...>

The sound of the rain pouring down from the sky, was a really beautiful thing to see and feel by a young boy with a sapphire blue eyes, he would always run outside his house calling his two brothers name to play at the rain with him until his first younger brother would call them and gave them punishment because playing in the rain.

Those eyes always shine like a jewelry also the same as the color of the sea that was beautiful to dive in, no one would be afraid of those eyes. The eyes that give kindness and laughter at the same time, and also those happy smile that never leave his face will make people come to him and says that he will and always will lighten up the room.

But today, the jewelry have cracked and the sea was too deep to be seen, so far away from a word beauty.

The rain was pouring down his head, same goes for the blood run down dripping from his head. It hurts, really hurt. Not just his body, his heart are too.

The beautiful eyes look up just to see a boy in gold was covered in red.


His thoughts says. Slowly but surely he crawls towards the boy, trying his best to reach him, and he have to do it slowly because of the pain on his back and head that keeps on spinning around making him dizzy.

The sound of the ground that he's crawling in was heard but covered by the sound of the rain that was way louder. And after a few try he finally reach the boy as he hold that person's arm, he hisses when the pain in his head was felt, it hurts so much.

His sapphire blue orbs opens, looks up as he pull his body upward, forcing his pain to go away just to make him sit down and see the other person's face. He slowly reach his other hand to hold that person cheek to make them looks at him. Tears rolling down his eyes as pain consume him after he saw what's in front of him, a pale face and lips, as well as a golden eyes that was no longer shine same as gold, and also a heart that was no longer beating when he check.

He's dead.

"No... Quake.."

The soft called but pain was heard in his voice after what he saw. With a broken heart he looks to his right just to see more pain, a body in green was laying down facing the ground, armless, and the other one was not far away from the green one but this one was full in light yellow, the boy's glasses were shutter with his eyes closed looking up at the sky as his blood was running cold.

"Thorn.. Solar... no..."

The guy continues to looks to his left and found two people in orange and light blue, holding hands, the two was still have their eyes open, looking at each other with a calm soft loving look on their eyes, the color of the sunrise and the light sky was seen. But now the sun will never rise and the sky will never shine again.

Those two will always be together, prove? Just look at them, even when they are in their last breath, they still have each other, they still need, care, love, they will never let each other go first or last. They even hold hands together as they go. They'll go together, even at the afterlife...

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