Ice cream with Nancy

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It was Sunday morning and Robin was at work with Steve before going out with Nancy.
"Oh my god Steve I'm having a literal panic attack right now, what if I look like an idiot or pass out from nerves or something?! That would certainly not be the way to have her go out with me again" Robin said flailing her arms about in a panic, "Hi Nance nice to see you again I'm going to pass out on you now!" Robin said, acting out the situation to Steve
"You'll be fine dingus I promise." Steve said reassuringly. "Hey! I get off early today as well, want me to drive you there before I hit the beach? See if I can catch some babes" he looked in one of the TV screens and adjusted his hair.
"Okay first of all, no thanks but thanks for offering, me and Nancy were planning on riding our bikes down there and second of all, no-one says 'babes' anymore but good luck anyway dingus" Robin said laughing to herself.
"Alright suit yourself!" Steve replied

*robin and steve leave and go their separate ways*

"Hey! Cute bike!" Nancy said as Robin showed up at her house.
"Haha thanks!" Robin felt her cheeks getting all hot, "I always wanted one of those bikes as a kid! You know the ones with the little wicker basket on the front so I could put my school bag in there." Robin said pointing at Nancy's bike.
"!" Nancy said awkwardly, "Hey! My mom's picking me up by the way, just because it get's dark quicker now and she doesn't like the idea of me being alone when it's dark."

*they get to the ice cream parlour and chat for ages*

"Oh hey! It's getting late! 5 already! Woah man!!" Robin said looking down at her watch.
"Oh god yeah! It is late, we better get going!" Nancy replied looking at her watch as well.
As they left the ice cream parlour Nancy turned to Robin and slowly but surely moved her lips closer and closer to Robin's.
'Oh my god oh my god oh my god' Robin thought 'I'm about to kiss the one and only Nancy Wheeler!!' Suddenly, a car pulled up, Nancy's mom!
"Shit..I better go, I'm sorry Robin!" Nancy got into the car, smiled softly at Robin snd waved as her mom drove off.
Robin felt her eyes go all stingy and prickly and all of a sudden they started filling up with water.
"Stop it stop it Robin you're being stupid!" Robin said quietly to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off, got on her bike and rode home.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

ronance has romance 🫶🏻जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें