[3] two familliar faces.

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He then walks off. I stood up and goed back to observing i see chishiya and arisu met. Arisu went and opened the door Arisu came in and chishiya followed i then saw a horse head (one of the taggers) followed them.

I heared gunshots from all over the room they were in.
I saw chishiya come out of the room locking the door quickly, the door had traces of gunshots..

I was kind of worried but they will probably be fine.
I leaned on the wall and just watched them. "I'm bored, after this game maybe i could rob malls again.."
Then the game ended exactly at 1 second.

I got down as fast as i can then i saw chishiya. He got inside a car with the other people who had the same bracelet as him i ignored it not thinking any of it. I saw arisu and karube probably going home i wanted to come with them since i had nothing to do anyways.

"Arisu, Karube!" They started looking "I'm he--" someone suddenly dragged me away and placed a towel on my mouth it was getting so hard to breathe then i fainted.

I then woke up all i could see was black i couldn't see anything at all.. i felt uncomfortable my ass was itchy what the fouq help..

Then a trashbag was removed from my head..
They removed the tape on my mouth i breathed heavily.. "finally holy shit what the fjcm is this where am i?" Who r u people...

Then suddenly a man with curly crusty hair came up to me "welcome to the beach. The utopia" he was acting super nice and weird.. but it felt like. I knew him.

"Have i met you before?" I asked the man.
"I don't really think so but who knows?" He said suspiciously.. I didn't really mind it that much.

"Come live with us!" I said "okay" without any hesitation really. I opened my bag and gave him the cards that i got. He said he will give me a comfortable room and a rank. That enough was good enough for me.

The long haired girl with a hime cut and a black bathing suit told me to follow her, I did.
She showed me where my room was and everything else. "My name is Mira. Come to me if you need anything." She walked off grinning at me.

I headed for the room where i could change into bathing suits, i picked something i liked it and it was pretty its a purple two piece bikini i wore a cardigan with it, its really pretty and plain too."

I enjoyed my life there for the past few weeks i still come to my house often cause sometimes i need some clothes to change of incase some shooting happens and blood spills over yikes... I got really drunk after enjoying things too much.. i said goodbye to the people who i was drinking with "I'm goin bgaxk on my rgoom guys" i said in gibberish while trying to keep my balance.

When i was heading to my room i saw chishiya, he was like with a girl she's really pretty. Chishiya saw me i waved at him and continued to head back in my room.

Chishiya's pov.

Oh its Y/n. She waved at me i waved at her back.
Do you know her? Kuina asked me.
Yeah, i played a game with her.
"Why is she heading on Niragi's room?"
"Oh shit shes going to die"

Back to your pov. ( i use "i" "me" dont confuse it as another character i use it so you guys could really feel that its you)

As i headed in my room. There was a man. Naked.. not fully naked he had a towel covered up on his lower body. He had a short hair tied up his hair was wet seems like he had just gotten out of shower.

I didn't notice him that much cause i was really drunk.
I continued to removed my cardigan and removed all my clothing leaving me fully naked. I still thought this was my room i throwed my clothes all over the room and walked towards the bed and layed on it. The man was speaking but i couldnt hear anything i fell asleep not remembering anything when i woke up..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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