10. Do you need some ice for that burn?!?

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A white man and a black man were on a bus. The black man was sitting down. A white man came up and said, "Colored people are not aloud in here."

The black man retorted with, "Sir, when I was born I was BLACK, when I grew up I was BLACK, when I am sick I am BLACK, when I'm cold I am BLACK, when I go in the sun I am BLACK, and when I die I will be BLACK. But you sir, when you were born you were PINK, when you grew up you were TAN/WHITE, when you're sick you are GREEN, when you are cold you're BLUE, when you go in the sun you are RED, and when you die you're GRAY. And you dared to call ME colored?!?"

The white man walked away and the black man sat in peace.
Apply ice and cold water to burned area.

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