"alright, your turn"

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Kevin squinted and covered his ears as gaeges loud laughter was keeping him up, it was about 4 in the morning he just wanted to sleep.

Downstairs gaege jumped up and screamed in a panic, fumbling with the controller frantically. His anxiety peeked

You softly laughed at his panicked state, he threw his hands up in victory almost throwing the controller, you gasped and laughed, clapping for his victory.

"There you go, it only took you 28 tries"

Gaege glared at you and smiled

"Alright, your turn" he said handing you the controller

You smirked evily and snatched the controller. You restarted the game and leaned forward, incredibly focus.

Gaege noticed this and rested his head on your shoulder, you managed to beat the boss first try and gaege clapped loudly, Kevin then walked down stairs with a pillow and blanket and walked out of the house in his pajamas, you and gaege looked at each other confused and decided to watch him through the window.

You watched Kevin walk down the street and into your house which Kevin had a key too, you looked at gaege and burst out laughing.

As you and gaege continued to play the game, eventually you both made ice cream, and food and threw on a movie containing your favorite actor.

You put your arm around the shorter male as he snuggled up closer to you, you both joked throughout the entire movie, you had the times of your lives.

Just then an idea popped into your head, what if you guys went to the abandoned theme park?

"Dude, get your shoes on." You said almost urgently

"What why?" Gaege said almost a little panicked

"I have an idea" you smirked and slipped on your shoes

Gaege smiled furrowing his brows, he knew you had a mischievous idea that may or may not be illegal, he quickly got his shoes on. As you snagged your keys and got into the car, gaege kept questioning where you were going.

"It's a surprise" you said turning into the abandoned theme parks parking lot

Gaeges eyes lit up

"Dude - what?" He said

You just handed him a flashlight and smiled

"You're gonna need this"

Gaege glared while smiling and snatched the flashlight.

You both got out and started to explore.

as gaege was looking down a dark hole you grabbed his ass making him yell and jump

"HOLY HELL- Y/N!" he breathed clutching his chest

You laughed maniacally and pulled him into a hug. He melted into your arms as you gently swayed with him.

Just then a twig snapped and both of your heads turned towards the sounds, you picked gaege up and sprinted to the car, you opened the door and put gaege inside before hurrily getting in yourself and starting the car, not even putting your seatbelt on before driving off.

"How much you want to bet we're now cursed?" Gaege said

"You better shut the hell up" you chuckled rubbing gaeges thigh

He chuckled, soon you pulled into the driveway, only a few hours had passed and the movie was still paused.

You opened the door for gaege before immediately grabbing his ass and picking him up, gaeged wrapped his legs around you, pulling you down with him once you plopped him on the couch, you used your arms to prop yourself up before gaege let go.

You sat next to him on the couch and resumed the movie, juicy moved closer to you and rested his head on your thigh, falling asleep.

You rubbed his shoulder, falling asleep yourself.

(It may be random I was just tryna keep it from getting too short apologies yours, barnes. 617 words)

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