Epilogue: New start (not really)

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    Why does everyone think university is a fresh start. All people talked about over summer was how they could finally be their "true selfs" once they reach university. But not me.

   I realized I was queer in grade 10. Looked back there we're definitely signs before that but I didn't understand it well enough.
    I was getting book suggestions from a friend and she suggested red white and royal blue and her royal highness I read both and the first taught me what bisexual meant and the latter made me realize I like girls.
   I tried so hard to pretend I was straight but then the stupid book had to say "straight people probably don't spend this much time trying to convince themselves their straight". And that was the point I could no longer deny it.
   After I realized this I thought the world was going to end all I have ever wanted was to be normal and fit in. Being queer was not going to help with that. So I made a promise I was just going to be straight. I liked everyone so it should be that hard to just find a cis guy to be with.
    But things changing and a lot of my friends came out and I felt a bit more comfortable with it. Not comfortable enough to come out but to start thinking of doing it someday.

  Now it's the first day of university. The day people reinvent themselves and become who they were to afraid to be at home under the watchful gaze of their parents. I have one issue with this. How come everyone forgets your parents are still out their you do have to go home at some point. And when you go home what if they find out about how you are at university.
    So with all this said I have one goal. Be normal. It can't be that hard can it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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