Prologue: Betrayal

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Betrayal is such a unique feeling. The confusion first seeps into your skin, slowly turning from an ache to a burning sting, accompanied by the realization that someone you love and genuinely care for has stabbed you in the back. Some people have experienced this more literally than others, but no matter how you feel it, it's one of the most truly devastating feelings. It makes one wonder, though, what is it like on the other side? What must it feel like to leap from the shade of your lies, and be brave enough to admit to your wrongdoings? And when you do, what if it feels good? Like an indescribably gratifying step into the light? Though, instead of feeling better because you've told the truth, you are satisfied by the infinite destruction you have brought to someone's life so permanently, and intimately, that the pit you leave may never be filled. These were the thoughts currently flooding Blaze's usually very vacant mind. Addie ever so conveniently getting herself captured directly after Blaze had branded and ditched her was the best thing to happen to Blaze in years. She was on an intoxicating high as she fell between space into her next portal, stepping into the main halls of Hell's palace. With a stretch and heavy sigh, she began walking through the inky black corridors to Patho's throne room. The deep black obsidian pillars shimmered dully in the soft light of harsh, burning torches. Cracks refilled with bone covered the once seemingly polished floors she traversed. All she could think of was how proud Pathos would be of the insurmountable pain she had caused Addie, maybe even finally promoting her.

Two sickly bone-winged demons opened the towering black obsidian doors to the throne room, Blaze entering with a pep in her step and her chest puffed with pride. As she neared the throne, Pathos noticed her walking in and his body language immediately shifted from his regular plotting and brooding to that of fiery rage beginning to fester inside of him.

"Yo, Pathos, I'm back for another report on-"

"SILENCE," Pathos growled, sitting up on his throne of marble and bone.

"Nah, dude, I think you're really gonna wanna-"
"I am your KING, and you will address me as such." He began, twiddling his spear with his fingers, "At least, for as long as you're around,"

Blaze looked up at him as the confidence began to visibly drain from her body, "As long as I'm around, Pa- uh, King?"

A devilish smile crept onto Pathos's features, "Oh yes, my dear. Come closer, if you please,"

Blaze apprehensively obliged, walking up the steps of his throne until she was directly in front of him. His free hand gently floated over to her cheek, caressing it and bringing it closer to his.

"You have not may me happy, Ignis," His words sung in dissonance with the nurturing expression and tonality lacing his voice, "You abandoned the half, against my explicit orders to stay with her," He mockingly pouted.

Every cell in Blaze's body refused Pathos' presence, practically dividing at his touch, "But I, I hurt her, just as you wanted! I don't think she'll EVER be the same, ha-heha-ahaa-" She trailed off. Pathos set his spear down and used his other hand to fully cup Blaze's face.

"Yes, yes...I did want you to hurt her, Ignis," He smiled, bringing her face nearly nose to nose with his, and screamed, "BUT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY WITH HER!" He yelled, dropping back to his initial whisper without moving a muscle, "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but, if we don't keep track of her, I suspect that maybe we can't manipulate her into pledging to me," He then raised his voice again, "WHICH WAS MY PLAN." He snapped, digging his nails into Blaze's face, then releasing and pushing her back, causing her to stumble back harshly down the steps.

"But, since you clearly don't remember, I'll give you a little refresher before I decide what to do with you," He remarked, licking the blood from his nails, "I sent you to aid in making that thing so miserable, and so sad, that you could influence her into doing a few bad things here and there, and then more often than that, so that she could eventually come to me and become a Infermisoul, so I could corrupt Etho's PRECIOUS little replacement for me," He sighed then stood from his throne, his form morphing into a horrific sludge of inky black liquid containing various bones, blood, and meat that uncannily mimicked the silhouette of his previous form and unnaturally gliding across the steps to loom over her, "But, not only did you aid in her finding the ONE THING that gives her ALL the information she needs to find her other half, you also broke your cover and LOST HER." He leaned in closer with a raspy growl," You absolutely broke her heart, which is supposed to be my job, and now I can't use you, because she'll never make the mistake of speaking to you again," He backed away, oozing over to his throne, "And since I can't use you, you're, well, useless," He sat back in his throne, the goop quickly whipping back into his original form, "And you know what I do with useless things?"

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