Chapter 3: The Gift

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"I don't want nothing

Nothing - but you

Am I waiting-"

"Looking for a new blue moon," sang an earth band through the speakers of the deep blue 86' Electra estate station wagon. It was around 9 am Halivaara time, and Cornelius had woken up about an hour ago to the sound of Theodore starting the car and was currently writing in his journal. It had felt as if just yesterday they had started this journey, but now that Cornelius was 14, and Ciara had just turned 13, Theodore was trying to figure out what to do for her birthday. They had been on the road, metaphorically speaking, when her actual birthday had come around about a month ago, with nothing near them that Theo deemed birthday worthy. Seraphina had suggested skipping it since they were on such an important journey and she didn't want them to spare a second.

As the travel-esque music emanated rhythmically from the surround system, Theodore was lost in deep thought as he drove through the expansive inky space before him, Cornelius nodding along and mouthing the words of the catchy song. They both loved these types of mornings, just the two of them. Cornelius especially appreciated Theodore not forcing him into small talk, and instead just listening to music and being around one another as they did their own thing. Most "mornings" while traveling started like this, because both Ciara and Seraphina tended to sleep in. As New Blue Moon faded out and another song began, Theodore reclaimed his sentience and snapped out of his daze, an idea beginning to blossom in his mind. His eyes widened, and he quickly flipped the autopilot on and turned to Cornelius, gently tapping his shoulder. Cornelius jumped slightly, a little startled as he was interrupted. However, he wasn't frustrated at all, in actuality a little tinge of warmth flooded his heart as he looked up at him, glad that Theodore had remembered Cornelius would get lost in his work and wouldn't hear a word he said unless he initiated physical contact.

"I've got an idea for what we can do for her birthday," Theodore spoke in almost a whisper.

"Oh? Do tell,"
"Ciara's waterbending has improved greatly since last year, but I've taught her everything I can as an earthbender," Theo readjusted in his seat, facing his knees toward Cornelius, "But I know of someone that could help her,"

Cornelius nodded, looking away for a moment and looking back, pushing his glasses up out of habit.


"Tula'suq, one of the chiefs on Uthoria. It's a water planet not far from here, and the Uthorians are masters of the ocean."

"Why haven't you mentioned them before? And why haven't you taken her there before?"

Theo lightly rubbed the back of his neck, "Well the last time I was there was quite a long time ago during the purge. I had come to learn what I could about waterbending so that I could better myself as a teacher, but hundreds of demons and infermisouls stormed the capital, mistaking the Uthorians' waterbending for diumagic. I couldn't do much, since the planet is mostly comprised of water, but I did what I could to survive the attack and protect those around me. One of which just so happened to be one of the chief's children,"

Cornelius nodded again, trying to communicate that he was actively listening, then realized Theodore had paused and he interjected.

"Wait, so, if you're in good graces with the Chief, why've you avoided the place?"

Theo paused for a beat in thought, "Hmm,"

"I'm not too sure, life just sort of happened. When I returned home, I lost-" Theodore's voice wavered for a moment as a memory slowly surfaced in his mind, "I lost my family,"

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