Soap x Reader: Prank

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This might suck lol
141 had the next few days off till their mission was to be put in motion. Y/n and Soap sat in the lounge room watching TV, making idle chat; "Got any thing to do today?" Soap asked, y/n titled her head back into the sofa in thought, "not really no, everyone else is off doing their own thing, so kinda just bored" she sighs looking back up at the tv "Did you have something in mind?" her voice breaking the short pause as she looks to Soap who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"We can prank L.t" he muses out, y/n giving him a look, "You're out of your mind Johnny!!" She giggles out, as much as the idea intrigued her y/n didn't feel like losing her life today "Oh c'mon ya sissy, it'll be funny! I've actually been planning for this day for a while now" Soap proudly puffed out his chest with pride. Y/n stared at him a little longer, this man child was always pulling her along with his pranks, sure she didn't mind doing it when it was Alejandro or Gaz but Ghost?! Now that's a bit one ever messes with him...well maybe Soap but he considers themselves friends.

"Ya gonna keep staring at my handsome face all day or ya gonna help prank Ghost?" He smirked getting closer causing y/n to blush a little "Don't get so full of yourself and no, fyi soap, I'd like to keep my limbs and life in tact" she puffs out causing soap to start pleading "Don't be like that y/n, I know ya like having a good time" he winks at her making her sign in slight annoyance "Soap...this is ghost we're talking about, he literally never sleeps or puts his guard down, there's no chance we could prank him" she really wanted to, her mischievous side was tingling but she knew better. "Please y/n! I'll take the full blame for it, I just need help setting it all up... it'll be fun I swear" he gave her a pouty face with puppy dog eyes...'god dammit why does he have to be so cute- wait no DON'T GIVE IN YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT' y/n said in her head, her silence making soap bargain with her "I'll buy you dinner and whatever else you want." He food was tempting...with a heft sigh and prayer to whoever was above, y/n possibly made the worse yet best choice ever.

"Alright fine."
because she would never get another chance like this to see a reaction from ghost....
A few moments later

"So how exactly do you plan to district the man who never gets distracted?" Y/n asked Soap as they were walking to his room "Easy, L.T is supposed to be meeting with Captain Price in about-" he checks his watch "twenty minutes or so about the mission and to talk to laswell, we won't have much time but it'll be enough to get things done" a cheeky grin was plastered on the Scottish man's face as they made it to his room. Walking in, soap rumages under his bed, pulling out a box and pushing it towards y/n who was sat on a chair. "Go on, open it" soap says, y/n unfolds the box...a grin coming across her face as she sees what it contains "oh sweet Jesus" she mutters, "Johnny, how the hell did you even have time to get all of this stuff?" She asks containing her laughter, "I got my ways" he winks and smiles.

In the box was nothing but different types of merch containing the face of the Queen of England on it, pillows, posters, mug, hat, EVERYTHING you could possibly think of "I also got this too" Soap opens the cabinet doors and pulls out a cardboard cut out of the Queen "What ya think? Could pull off being a proper Brit no?" He muses out posing next to the cut out pretending to hold a cup of tea, causing y/n to start laughing up a storm "Soap as- as bad of an idea this is" her giggles hindering her speech "this is such a great idea" she laughs out, both having a small fit "Well of course it is, I came up with it after all" he boasts.
Back in the lounge room

Y/n and Soap made their way back to the lounge to see Ghost in the kitchen getting a snack, "hey L.t" soap giving him a simple head nod, y/n wouldn't dare look at him as she tried to keep her composure, this didn't seem to bother Ghost, he knew y/n and Soap were best of buds....he also knew they were trouble makers. He gave soap a head nod in acknowledgment has he took his snack back to his room. Y/n let out a sigh "Oh thank God he left, I don't think I would've kept my composure for much longer" she giggles out "You think he's suspicious of anything?" She asked, "Nah, don't worry about it, our plan hasn't got any faults in it" he reassures her.

A few moments later as the two were sitting back on the sofa, they heard Gaz knock on Ghosts door telling him it's time for the briefing. Their attention no longer on the tv but on the sound of Ghosts footsteps making his way to the Captains office, Soap peaked making sure the coast was clear after hearing the door shut "Alright, time to move my little helper" Soap teases as they quickly get up and go to soaps room to grab the goods making their way back to Ghosts room as quickly and quietly as possible...
"I think you should set the cut out right in front of the door or in the middle of the room" y/n suggested, smiling trying to contain her laughter "Good idea, see? And you didn't want to tag along" he chuckles setting the cardboard cut out in the middle of the room close to the door, "Alright, that's everything, let's go before he really catches us" Y/n giggles out, as they rush out of Ghosts room just in time, they make their way back to the living room and not a moment too soon, Ghosts comes out of the Captains office going straight to his room not hearing the profound giggles of 'children' in the lounge...

Ghost opens his door...the cardboard cut out directly in his face "What the fuck-"... everything was COVERED with the face of the Queen and anything British "WHAT THE FUCK?" he yells out his bed sheets, pillows, desk, chair, closet, floor, walls, all decorated...
He gripped the door handle, was this some kind of joke? "Bloody hell, there's even a fucking tea set..." He grumbled out surveying his whole room, that's when his ears picked up the sound of howling laughter coming from the lounge "Of course...the fucking Sergeants did this"

He slammed his door, heavy footsteps stomping towards Soap and Y/n "JOHNNY!" He shouts "Yes L.t?" Soap questions, acting oblivious while whipping his tears of laughter "What the actual fuck did you do to my room?!" He grabs hold of soaps shirt tugging him up from the couch "Whoa- calm down L.t it's just a prank..." Y/n slowly started to get up as quietly as she could, she knew she made a bad choice...but oh boy, she didn't regret it one bit "Stay where you are Sergeant L/n!" Ghost raised his voice, side eyeing y/n who froze "Ah don't get mad at her Ghost, it was my idea really" Soap protests "I do not have the tolerance for your little pranks Johnny, get it together" he aggressively let Soap go as he glared at y/n who didn't even bother looking up.

After hearing the door slam, y/n looked up at soap who looked to her with guilt "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to pull you into my childish acts, didn't think he'd get this pissed off" he grabs her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles "It's alright be honest, it was quiet funny" a small laugh erupting from her "he'll forgive us within the next few days don't worry, besides, it was totally worth it" she adds bringing a smile to Soaps face, "Oh it sure was" they start laughing once more "You still owe me that dinner for bringing me into this" y/n reminds him "Don't worry, I'll take you out tonight".

He smiles at her kissing her hand gently making her blush a little.
He wouldn't admit but soap was always fond of her...

The next morning, both y/n and Soap had taken a shower... unsuspecting of the events that took place late at night...
both run out of their rooms, hair differently colored
"WHO THE HELL SWITCHED OUT MY SHAMPOO!" Y/n shouts storming into the kitchen where everyone sat along with soap

Pink and Blue

Everyone looked at them in shock but all started laughing once the realization set in, "is their a gender reveal we don't know about?" Gaz teased laughing to himself, price merely sighing and shaking his head holding a small chuckle, "The colors suit you" Ghost states as he pours himself another cup of tea

"Oh my god....we just got pranked..." Y/n stares at Ghost who simply shrugs, her hand on Soaps shoulder "Didn't know you had in ya L.t" Soap was now laughing along at his demise but not y/n...she was more than upset "Do you know how long this'll take to get rid of?!" She exclaims "Soap aren't you upset about it?!" The Scottish man merely brushes through his mohawk "I think it's kinda growing on me" he says, "it's temporary, you'll be fine" Ghosts states as the girl merely pouts and grumbled to her self,  "Don't worry y/n, ya look cute with pink hair" soap patting her head as she blushed from embarrassment and the comment.

After this
Y/n was no longer participating in her comrades childish acts.

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