Chapter: 22

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After they had all sniffed the potion I left them there. Once they woke up none of them would be able to remember what happened. It was for the best because that way they were no longer a threat. Not only to me but anyone else that crossed their path.

Sighing I quickly picked up my bag and headed off. It's time for me to go back to the pack house. I was done taking care of my problem. Any thing else was going to be left for someone else to take care of.

It took me about a week to get back to the pack house. But when I first got there I couldn't find the courage to walk into the clearing. I saw Henry run out of the building with Jack chasing him. Henry screamed and laughed as Jack picked him up and set Henry on his shoulders.

"Arron, come on." I heard a voice call from just inside the pack house. Haley came out of the pack house and threw her blond hair over her shoulder. Arron came out a minute later, running his hand through his hair.

Watching Arron, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing with Haley. There was something I didn't like about her. Maybe it was that she was one of the people who used to make fun of me. Or maybe it was the fact that I didn't like how close she was to Arron.

Arron and her talked for a minute before Haley but a hand on his shoulder and kissed him. Shocked, I could feel a growl rising in my throat. How dare she kiss my mate. I could kill her.

I was about to stomp out of the trees when I remembered something. I gave permission for Arron to find a new Luna. Was Haley the new Luna? Did Arron really move on that quickly. If he did then did he ever truly love me.

A single tear slid down my cheek and I ran back into the woods. I didn't realize where I was going until I stopped. Looking at the house I was in front of I realized I was in front of Emily's house.

It wasn't really and thing special. It was a small dark green building with a brown shingled roof. I walked up the creepy steps and made my way to the door. Taking a deep breath I knocked.

"Just a minute." I heard Emily yell. She ran down the stairs and opened the door. Her brown hair looked as if she had just woken up. It wasn't that hard to believe since it was only about eight in the morning on the weekend.

"Jasper." She exclaimed as she wrapped me in a hug. I could feel my bottom lip twitch and I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I let them slide down my face and I wrapped my arms around Emily.

"Jasper what's wrong?" She asked as she pulled me inside. Sitting me on the couch she insisted I tell her everything. So I did. I told her about me leaving and about me leaving the letter. I told her about how I killed Cameron and three of his 'weapons'.

"Jasper, I'm sorry to say but you kind of bright this upon yourself." Emily stated.

"Yea, but it doesn't make it any less painful."

She stayed silent for a minute. She looked at me before getting up and leaving the room. I heard her make her way up stairs. She was up there for about a minute before coming back down. Once down here she handed me the giant white teddybear.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I mumbled. Emily looked at me sadly.

"Listen Jasper, I don't think Haley and Arron have anything going on. Yea I understand that it may hurt a lot more then a normal heart break but I feel as if it's kind of pointless." Emily said flatly.

I went to say something but she raised her hand to stop me. "There is no way they have any thing going on. Jasper you've only been gone for about a month. Arron wouldn't just move onto someone else that quickly. Jasper, have you ever seen the way he looks at you?"

I shook my head and realized that what Emily was saying was probably true. i thanked her before standing and making my way back to the pack house.

When I got there no one was outside. I walked inside before my courage could dissipate. I looked around only to see everyone in the room looking at me. My eyes stopped on Henry.

"Aunty Jasper." Henry yelled as he came towards me. He gave my a hug and grabbed my hand. "Uncle Arron has been so worried about you."

Henry dragged me down the hall and to Arron's office. Henry was just about to knock when the door slammed open. Before I could move I was suddenly in cased in Arron's arms.

"Jasper." He breathed my name. I smiled hearing my name come from his mouth. What I had seen between him and Haley was forgotten.

"Arron, I'm so sorry." I said as tears started to slide down my cheeks again. Arron pulled back and wiped my tears away.

"Jasper, I could never replace you. Why would you even tell me to get another Luna if you didn't return?" Arron asked

"I don't know Arron. I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have left. All I did by doing that was cause you trouble. Not only you but the whole pack house."

"Shhh, Jasper. It's alright your back now."

"And I'm never going to leave again." I said and I knew that was a promise.

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