Chapter Eleven- Colby

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I failed. I failed (Y/n). I got shot. I couldn't get us away in time. I failed.

I hissed as the van jerked around a corner. The movement jarred the both of us, (Y/n)'s elbow accidentally bumping into my side. I forced air through my teeth again.

"Sorry," (Y/n) whispered, realizing where she elbowed me.

"Quiet back there," one man snapped. The two of us stayed quiet after that, save for my occasional noises of discomfort and pain every time something got too close to the wound on my side.

In the back of one of many black FBI vans, (Y/n) rested her head against my shoulder. A smile slipped it's way onto my face, glad she was still next to me. I rested my head on the top of hers, enjoying this final bit of closeness. What happened next would be separation and interrogation. We couldn't speak, and if we tried to, the men in the front of the van would snap at us to be quiet. The painful part was, I know these agents. We used to be on the same side, and now I'm being treated like a criminal.

I nuzzled my face into (Y/n)'s hair, trying to commit every detail of her face to memory. It could be the last time I ever see her.

The van braked hard, and my left hand clamped down on my bullet wound.  A small hiss escaped from between my teeth and (Y/n) looked up at me. A tear glistened in the corner of her eye. I moved my hands to wipe it away, and my thumb swiped the tear before it had time to fall. The two men in front had gotten out of the van and were talking to more agents outside the bulletproof doors. The voices got louder and I knew they were going to come for us any second now. I quickly placed a kiss on (Y/n)'s temple, not knowing why but doing it anyway. The doors opened and multiple hands grabbed us. I looked at (Y/n) as we got pulled out of the car. More tears glistened on her cheeks as two men in black suits grabbed her by the arms. Another had me, guiding me into a building that made my stomach drop. The building was a smaller office branch of the FBI. It was the place I had worked in for a few years. I was back, and I was a convicted criminal.

The cool air conditioned building was a stark contrast to the hot temperature outside. (Y/n) and I reached out our hands, desperate to touch hands one last time. Her fingertips brushed mine, then she was yanked away, off to who knows where.

"Colby!" I heard the shout from behind me and realize (Y/n) was the one who said my name.

She got her arm yanked hard by one of the men holding her. She stumbled backwards due to the unexpected force, yelping. I tried to get to her, but someone gave me a hard elbow to the back. I groaned in pain at the contact. More blood flowed out of the bullet wound, staining my jacket even more. Through the pain, I heard shuffling behind me.

"(Y/n)," I groaned as the two people partially led partially dragged me down the hall.

While (Y/n) was off Lord knows where, I was lead in front of Agent Wilson, the director of my branch of the FBI. I greeted my boss in a monotone voice.

"Agent Wilson."

"Agent Brock. I was just on my way to question Ms. Smith. We'll finally get some answers from her regarding her position in the Los Diablos crime ring."

"She's not in the crime ring," I snapped. "I've done the research, I've talked to people who actually know the members of the gang. I've talked to (Y/n). She's not part of the gang."

"That is why I am going to talk with Ms. Smith to get this information for myself. You seem to have gotten too attached to the suspect. In the meantime, Agent Wade. Take Colby somewhere he'll feel right at home."

I froze for a second as his words sunk in. Before I could process anymore, something cut off my vision. I tried fighting back, but my arms were held down by people with a strong grip and the handcuffs kept my hands in check, too. I was completely helpless in a room full of people I've known my entire career.

I was lead down a series of hallways, completely losing my sense of direction. Somewhere along the line, the handcuffs were removed. Still, I didn't try fighting the people leading me. There was nothing I could do with at least three guards and a bullet wound slowing me down. If I hadn't been shot, I'd consider it. After walking a little ways, a door opened.

The blindfold came off and I was shoved into a library with shelves floor to ceiling. It was the library that held much of our information on cases. However, there were also first addition books, exquisite vases, and antique furniture.

"Wait in here." The command came with a shove and I stumbled to gain my balance again.

I blinked a couple times, trying to get used to the light. The throbbing in my abdomen increased drastically due to the unexpected force of the shove. "Right, I'll just catch up on my reading."

The snarky comment fell on deaf ears as the double doors clicked shut. A lock slid into place. Fear started building up in my chest when the metal slid into place. I was trapped in a place I always felt safe in.

"I'll wait right here!" I called after them, knowing I couldn't be heard. "Like I have a choice," I muttered, more to myself than anyone outside. Before moving, I ripped up any sort of material I could find, most of which came from my jacket. I placed one square of material on my wound then yanked the other, much longer piece of material as tight as possible so it would keep pressure on the wound. I had to bite my lip several times so I didn't scream in pain. When that was secured, and walking didn't hurt as much, I set my sights on the shelves nearby. I wandered over to the bookshelves, skimming through the titles. One book in particular caught my eye. I pulled out a copy Romeo and Juliet, translated into more modern English. I chuckled when I read the title. Just like (Y/n) and me. Something told me our story, just like theirs, could only end in tragedy.

I walked back over to one of the chairs, ready to sit down and read until whatever was going to happen happened. A noise sounded from above me, my ears straining to figure out where it came from. I turned around, looking up at the shelves. Something hard slammed into the back of the head. The book flew out of my hands and my vision quickly turned black before I even got close to the floor.

Living In InfamyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz