Chapter Thirteen- You

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"Just tell us what we want to know and it will all stop."

Agent Wilson paced back and forth, one hand on his chin. Occasionally, he'd stop his pacing to process what I had said. My hands were still cuffed together, trying to block the bright light shining in my face.

"I told you," I growled in anger, "I'm not answering any of your bullshit questions until I get a lawyer."

"And I told you that you can't plead the fifth when you've been arrested."

"And I know what my damn rights are, despite what you say. Get me a damn lawyer first. Then we can get an expert involved if I have rights or not. Now get me a lawyer or stop wasting my time."

"Young lady, there's no need to get snippy with me. I know what rights you have. I'm a highly trained government agent. You're a little girl who plays music with her brother."

"I may be just a musician, but my brother and I have more influence than any government official." I was getting tired of all this running around the issue. "You know what, just give me my bail. Either I'll pay it, or my brother will if I can't."

"Sweetheart, not even the president of the United States could afford your bail."

"And there's the eighth amendment broken," I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "Why not keep going and knock out the other twenty-five. Might as well go for broke."

"Young lady, are you threatening me? I hold all the power here." His eye twitched in anger. This was the point of no return. Either I get out of here, or I piss him off to the point where he lashes out.

"I don't need to. I know for a fact you're bluffing. Someone like you wouldn't dare risk getting sued for violating any stipulations in the Amendments, let alone violate the Miranda Rights which is what you're doing right now. I can sue you and everyone in here for simply violating the Miranda Rights. I might even let it slip on everything else you've done so far. Maybe I'll even get them to seize the camera footage I know is recording us. I know there are cameras. I saw them when I got lead in here."

"You know, I wouldn't be so confident, Ms. Smith. There is one thing that will keep you quiet."

"And what is that?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He couldn't have control over my family or friends. The security around their homes was too tight. Result of being famous online and dealing with wonderful but sometimes crazy fans.

"I have Colby Brock."

Hearing Colby's name sent shivers down my spine. Colby was one of his agents. There's no way he would hurt one of his own agents, right? Why did I care if he did something to Colby? It's not like I liked him or anything, right? No, I didn't like Colby. He just helped me stay alive. That's it. Right?

"You wouldn't." I gave the man across from me a death stare, hoping to call his bluff like I did before. He had to be bluffing. He wouldn't hurt one of his agents. There's no way he would.

"I would." I swear to this day that my heart stopped for a moment. His tone and everything about his demeanor told me he wasn't lying. My breath caught in my throat. "Think I'm bluffing now? Agent Webber, take her to a holding cell. And bring me Agent Brock."

Agent Webber grabbed me by the arm and half forced me out of the chair. He lead me to the door and Agent Wilson followed us out. I indignantly stumbled out the door, my arm getting yanked every now and then. We were in the hallway outside the interrogation room when I saw Colby.

Two agents were dragging him down the hallway by his arms. His jacket was still stained red, but the stain didn't look like it was growing any bigger. A sob choked out of my mouth when he was dragged past me. The back of his head was bloody. Something hard had hit him in the back of the head.

Living In Infamyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें