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"Why are you upset about getting a B, it's a good grade?"Tyler asked Shelby after she walked into the Dino Cafe complaining about her exam

"That's what I said"Riley added

"My parents would celebrate if I got a B"Chase said from behind the counter"Even Y/N said it was good"

"Not exactly, I normally surpassed the grading system, somehow I got over 100% a couple times"Y/N told them

"I believe that isn't helping Sir Y/N"Ivan said as he walked over from the kitchen, Y/N shrugging in reply

"My dad won't be happy"Shelby said, annoyed as Y/N noticed a man enter the cafe"In my family getting a B is..."

"Unbelievable"Her Father finished, making them aware of him"A B just isn't good enough Shelby Watkins"

"Dad?!"Shelby questioned in shock

"You need to study harder if you want to run Watkins Ice Cream"Mr Watkins told her, Tyler jumping off his seat

"Watkins Ice Cream, that's your family"Tyler said in joy

"best Ice cream, barred up"Mr Watkins said as he pulled out some packets of Ice Cream

"That's where I know you from, Stark Industries sponsored you guys"Y/N pointed out, remembering the man

"Y/N Stark is here, even better.Stark Craving Hazelnuts"Mr Watkins said as he gave the specific Ice Cream to him"See Shelby, you can study with a Stark, one of the smartest people" 

They went off to an individual conversation before Shelby's father left and the rest went back to cleaning the cafe, except Y/N who focused on adjusting his newest project, A.I. glasses




"Fine"Y/N gave in, moving over to help the others get the cafe ready as they were a person down as Shelby studied at a booth

As Y/N helped put the chair out with Tyler, Shelby pulled out her Dino Saber

"Stop!How'd you get in here?"Shelby questioned, not recognising them before swinging at Koda who ran back and used a stool to block it

"What'd I do wrong?"Koda questioned before diving behind a table

"Shelby stop!"Tyler yelled before Shelby tried to hit him

"What the?"Y/N questioned as he came back into the cafe before ducking under Shelby's saber

"She's gone mad"Ivan commented as she swung more at Tyler who grabbed the first thing he could find , a pillow, and used it to take the blow of the saber

As the pillow was cut in half Shelby stopped

"Oh my god, I was having a terrible nightmare"Shelby groaned as a purple cloud left her ear before transforming into a monster

"What is going on here?"Miss Morgan questioned as she walked in

"Surprise"Nightmare said

"Foul monster, have at thee"Ivan challenged, grabbing the saber

"You must sleep eventually, see you in your dreams"Nightmare said before disappearing into a purple cloud

"The thing was in your head"Riley told Shelby

"Really?It was in my dreams too"Shelby replied"It was soo real, I dreamed you were all vivix"

"This isn't good guys"Tyler told them

"Down to the base"Miss Morgan ordered




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