Released Rex

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"That's supposed to be a map, it looks like a kid drew it"Shelby commented on the map Tyler held

The group stood behind Tyler as they searched the forest they were currently in

"I was five, okay"Tyler laughed as he continued on

"When I was five I was drawing schematics"Y/N stated as he put a pair of his sunglasses on

"When I was five I was drawing schematics"Y/N stated as he put a pair of his sunglasses on

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"Did you end up having a childhood or not?"Riley asked

"let's see"Tyler began , changing the subject as he stopped walking

"I don't trust this map"Shelby commented negatively again on the map

"It was drawn by crayons"Y/N added 

"Here it is!"Tyler exclaimed as he kneeled down, moving a pile of rocks next to a tree

"Is it buried treasure?"Ivan asked

"Sort of"Tyler replied"Guys guys look, here it is"

Pulling out a rusty metal box and opening it

"My dad and I used to come camping here all the time"Tyler began to explain"and each time we'd come, we put something in this box.Letter and photos"He began to list off the items that he pulled out"And I continued the tradition ever since.I got this baseball when I turned eight" Standing up with joy as he held it which quickly turned to disappointment"Dad told me he'd be leading an expedition on the day of my birthday party, he never made it to the party"

"Don't worry buddy, you'll reunite soon enough"Y/N reassured as the team gave sympathetic looks

"Yeah, if anyone can find your dad, it's you"Chase added before Tyler went back to his kneeling position

"This year's memento is a hat, from the dino bite cafe"Tyler explained with a lighter mood"It's all the friends I made at the cafe"

He put the items back in the box and began to cover them again

"So it's a time capsule"Y/N deduced before they started walking away

"Don't try to ruin the special thing with your facts"Chase advised

"So you admit they're facts"Y/N stated"That's a win to me"

"Win what?"Koda asked confused




"So this new dino charger will only respond to the red energy signature?"Riley asked Miss Morgan as most of the team , except Tyler, occupied themselves in the base

"It relies on the Tyrannosaurus Rex energy, only Tyler will be able to access T-Rex Super Charge mode"Miss Morgan answered

"En guard"Y/N challenged as he attempted to duel Ivan

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