Part Two: The Fall Of Wayne Tower.

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This scene is a flashback into the Man of Steel movie where Superman was fighting Kryptonians, saving earth from them. We see this scene from a middle-aged Bruce Wayne's perspective, who, after witnessing the mayhem, contacts an employee, Jack, to vacate the Wayne Enterprises building, while driving an S.U.V., already on his way to the Wayne Enterprises building. Before this, he is seen inside a helicopter that was coming all the way down to the terrace. This scene may be symbolic of divine intervention, an angel coming down on earth to save as many people as he can. Also, Bruce Wayne drives the Black S.U.V, swerving through the fire and debris, also signifies his alternate identity, Batman, driving the Batmobile.

Bruce drives his S.U.V., swerving left and right from the obstacles, escaping the jaws of death and moving forward. He tries calling his Jack, but it goes straight to voicemail. This was a premonition. We see Bruce arriving near the Wayne tower and countless people forming a large crowd around the area. He also sees something (Superman) crashing into the alien machinery, sending a massive shockwave around. He makes his way through the crowd and runs in the direction of Wayne towers. Simultaneously, we see that Jack didn't escape the building. He realizes that it's too late to run and escape death. He goes to the window and sees, through the cracked glass, the destruction unfolding right in front of his eyes. Broken glass usually indicates a bad omen and destruction, which is precisely what is happening in this scene.

While Jack is looking through the cracked glass window, seeing his city falling wide apart, we spot a man wearing a red cape, Superman, crashing below, into one of the lower floors of the Wayne Tower. Many may have missed this detail the first time, but upon a close look, we can see Superman crashing into the building while Jack is looking out. While Jack is standing there, he feels the floor shaking, and we see lasers destroying everything in the background. That's Superman's laser vision. While Jack realizes that he is about to die, he prays to the almighty, “Heavenly God… Creator of Heaven and Earth… Have mercy on my soul.”  We see him accept death, albeit fearfully.

Outside, we see Bruce witnessing the fall of Wayne Tower with a laser cutting through the middle of the building. The fall of Wayne tower, foreign objects crashing into buildings, somehow remind us of the 9/11 attacks, where a few hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers, The World Trade Center building and other buildings of public importance. If we compare the scenes from “Man of Steel”, we see a closer view of the fall of the Wayne Tower, from Lois' perspective.

Seeing the fall of Wayne tower, he somehow knew Jack didn't make it and yet, had hope that somehow… Maybe Jack has escaped…perhaps…just a little hope…he may have made a wrong assumption. Bruce runs into the dusty smoke caused by the fall of Wayne Tower. Inside the gigantic cloud of smoke, he saw a lone horse, snorting and walking away from the site. One quick search in Google will tell you that horses signify strength, freedom, endurance, triumph, spiritual power and so on. And then we see a couple of humans walking dejectedly through the smoke. They have lost their strength and endurance. They have lost.

Bruce goes further in where he sees a woman, probably a teacher, guiding kids, who formed a chain by holding hands. She was looking back, encouraging them to move forward. This scene of support, nurture, and hope is a stark contrast to the horse leaving the site and the confused and defeated coming out of the smoke. The lady also has a sense of duty despite everything, just like Bruce Wayne, who further continues running inside, hoping to save the employees…hoping they are still alive. A girl even broke the chain and Bruce held her hand, guiding her in the protective line. He then hears the tearful voice of his employee, “Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne!” He goes on to help him only to see that his legs were blocked by a huge and heavy chunk of concrete, the dead remains of the former Wayne Tower. “I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs." he says in a panicked voice. With a little help, he pulls Wallace, the employee, out, only to realize he has lost his legs, forever. The loss and destruction shows what war ultimately leads to… destruction and despair.

He then spots a child standing, silently crying, watching the destruction in front of her, not realizing a large chunk of the debris is about to fall on her. Bruce Wayne runs and saves her just before the debris crashes into the floor. He reassures her, “It's okay, you're going to be okay…you're okay, alright?” It's almost as if he were consoling his inner child, who was afraid and shaken up by all of it. He hugs her and tries to calm her down, and a noise alerts him, and he looks up with a hint of cynicism. It's similar to the scene in Man Of Steel where Lois and the others look up at the sky to witness the fight between Superman and Zod with Superman having the upper hand. While we see a close up version of the fight in Man Of Steel, we see a distant version of it in BvS. It is clear enough for him to perceive that iconic red cape and the way he looks at them…yep, he just mentally marked his target. After all, if it weren't for Superman crashing into the building, Jack would have been alive and Wallace would have had his legs intact. He is a potential threat that needs to be eliminated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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