Prologue: Here We Go Again!

359 10 14

[Aliens Used in This Prologue]:
• None.

[(JunkBot): Before we start the story, I just wanted to mention that Alex has been visiting the Pokémon World as he promised. And he did catch some new Pokémon.)]

The life of a hero can be filled with untold danger, adventure, and excitement. However, nineteen-year-old me was experiencing none of that today. In fact, I hadn't done anything hero wise in over a good few months! Ever since I returned with Bing Bong, my Pokémon and my great grandparents over a year ago, I had been having a lot of fun kicking some bad guy butts. And funnily enough, I had surprisingly caught about some more new Pokémon and I have since added them to my team.

Right now, me and my Pokémon were relaxing at my favourite corner pizza place called: Uncle Joe's Pizza Place. It was a pleasant little pizza place which was pretty well known here in Bellwood. My parents used to bring me here for my birthday when I was younger. I had even treated everyone to a trip to the local arcade as well to end the day, one might say. But as I finished my food, I looked around, sighed to myself and shook my head in utter boredom.

(Alex): Okay... I hate to say it, but... couldn't anyone or anything try to cause a disturbance in the area?

(Alakazam): Alex, I appreciate that you want to find something to help cure your boredom, but beating bad guys all day? I highly doubt it will satisfy your boredom.

(Alex): I know Alakazam. But you know what I'm like. And for one thing, I really shouldn't be asking for bad stuff to happen. Things could be a whole lot worse. Boredom is a vacation compared to some of the stuff I've been through.

(Alakazam): And I do believe that you have said that statement approximately... 4000.25 times before.

(Alex): *amazed* Wow! You have been doing your maths.

(Alakazam): It's helps to have enhanced intelligence and knowing everything from as an Abra.

He then went on eating as I just sat there processing what he just said.

(Alex): *to himself* wow... guess there's a lot more about Pokémon than I originally thought.

After finishing off our food and cleaning ourselves up, we were just about to hit the arcade when my Rotom Phone came out of my pocket with an alert onscreen.

(Rotom Phone): *fusion voice* You have an incoming call from Mr. Benjamin Tennyson.

(Alex): I wonder what Ben wants this time. I hope it isn't something too major.

I accepted the call and I then Ben's voice on the other end, alongside fighting noises. I was a little confused by this.

(Alex): Are you okay Ben? You sound like you're in a fight.

(Ben): *over phone* That's because we're dealing with Subdora and Exo-Skull! Could you help us out with them?

(Alex): *sighs* Okay; might as well.

I then hung up on Ben and my Rotom Phone darted back into my pocket again. I grabbed the bridge of my nose and sighed in annoyance.

(Coral): What is it Alex?

(Alex): I hate to say this but, Ben needs our help... again. So we may have to postpone our visit to the arcade today.

(Buneary): *moaning* Do we have to Dad? I really wanted to go to the arcade.

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