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adagio dazzle: ultimate siren (true) ultimate vocalist (fake)

la signora: ultimate witch

bryan films: ultimate mechanic

dawn: ultimate animal whisperer

keqing: ultimate swordswoman

tak: ultimate invader

roxxane wolf: ultimate key gitaur player

gaz membrane: ultimate gamer

shinobu kocho: ultimate demon slayer

gyutaro: ultimate uppermoon

mr snake: ultimate vualt opener

hu-tao: ultimate ghost

raiden ei: ultimate archon

kokomi: ultimate healer

kamisaito ayaka: ultimate cryo user

Prinzessin der Verurteilung aka fischl: ultimate roleplayer


masaru daimon.lil ultimate p.e +monotaro

jataro kemuri,lil ultimate art + monosuke

kotoko utsugi,lil ultimate drama +monophanie

nagisa shingetsu lil ultimate social studies + monokid

monaca,lil ultimate home room + monodam 

btw this is a au where monaca wasent toxic and didnt fake her disability,so dont ask questions about the ships. 

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