Part 1

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The TARDIS was flying smoothly, something that worried Turlough to no end. Usually, that meant that either something bad was going to happen just before they landed, they would land into middle of somewhere they were not supposed to or the Doctor had set the wrong coordinates, again.
“Mate!” Tegan triumphantly cried “I’ve beaten you! I’ve finally beaten you!” Turlough looked down at the board. He merely pushed his bishop across to take her knight. He looked up, smug as ever.
“I think not.” he relaxed back into his chair as Tegan’s face dropped. The Doctor waltzed over to the game and moved the pawn forwards,replacing it with a queen. He looked up at the comfy boy with a grin.


Turlough almost leapt out his seat in pure annoyance. His Trion face was bright red, a shade of red to give Mars a run for its money.
“Doctor!” He cried, “For the last time! When I am playing Tegan, you are NOT to help her!” and with a quick flip of the table and a slam of the door, Turlough retreated into the bowels of the TARDIS. The machinery whined as if to whimper. The Doctor lay a reassuring hand over her console.

“Its ok, he’s not mad at you.” The TARDIS seemed to purr in affection. Tegan, however sentimental it was, always thought that the Doctor would enjoy travelling time and space with the TARDIS as a companion instead of humans and especially the easily ticked off Trion. She sighed and began to pickup the chess pieces scattered all over the floor.
“He’s always acting like such a child” Tegan commented,causing the Doctor to snigger.
“She has no idea” he whispered to the TARDIS console.
“What did you say Doctor?” Tegan asked, grasping a king from under the hexagonal console. The Doctor choked on a bit of spit at Tegan’s question.
“Umm…yes well…we’ve nearly arrived at our,” He gently knocked the TARDIS as she whirred more life into her dormant sounds. “destination.”

Suddenly, the TARDIS began to rock and sway. The sudden movement buckled Tegan’s knees as the Doctor grasped onto the console. Tegan, barley getting to her feet, mirrors the Doctor’s position on the console.
“What’s happening now doctor!” Tegan cried
"In not sure” He retorted, flicking a few switches. “Possibly some freak spacial disturbance?” A loud bell began to echo, the cloister bell. Imminent danger. The colour from the doctor’s face drained as the TARDIS landed.
“Oh no. Can’t be.” His voice, now a shadow of before, spoke grimly. “You aren’t supposed to be able to do this!” Tegan looked at him filled with confusion.
"Doctor?” He remained unresponsive. “Doctor, what’s happened?” His expression unaltered as he reached for the scanner toggle. The colour slowly began to seep back into his skin. He slowly opened his mouth to speak.

“I think were somewhere were not supposed to be.” He stared at the monitor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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