Love is fatal if left unchecked.

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Massive trigger warning for Suicide!!

Don't read it if you're triggered by this, I understand if you don't.


Audrey was sat with two other halfbloods, Leo didn't recognise either of them, but Leo dragged him away nonetheless.

Audrey waved goodbye to the halfbloods and followed his boyfriend as he lead him to roughly where Bunker 9 had been built.

Audrey noticed, when we stopped, he was holding a clump of papers, which looked suspiciously like medical files.

"What are those?" Audrey asked, trying to slip them from his hand.

"Your medical records." Leo said plainly.

Audrey's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why do you have my records?" He asked, precautiously.

"Audrs... I love you." Leo muttered.

"What's this about?" He asked, trying to pry the answer out of him.

"I... Jasper, he's worried about you. We all are." He muttered, taking Audrey's hand in his. The medical files still hidden behind his back.

"Leo, you shouldn't have those. Give them here!" Audrey said, and lunged for the files. Leo backed up, keeping himself facing the medic, so he couldn't reach for the files.

"Audrey, are you... suicidal?" He asks out of the blue.

Audrey froze, giving Leo the opportunity to lay my medical files on a tree stump. He moved his hands to hold his boyfriend's face in them, and Audrey looked into his eyes.

He sniffed, and blinked the tears away, before continuing. "I'm worried, I love you. Whatever you're going through, I'm here for you, I always will be. I promise, even, swear on the river styx."

"That's a bit much?" Audrey mumbled, a failed attempt to make a joke Leo wouldn't hear.

"Nothing's too much when it comes to you." He promised. He tilted Audrey's head down, so he could kiss his forehead.

"I'm not suicidal, Leo." I reassured him with a smile. "Where'd you get that idea from?"

"We can all see it, we just want to help." Leo insisted.

"Clearly you all need other ways to identify people that are struggling, because it's not me." Audrey snapped. He didn't mean to be angry, he justhated how everyone acts like they know him.

They know the happy Audrey, the medic Audrey. Not the Audrey that's lost many of his siblings, or the Audrey that sacrificed sleepless nights to make sure 12 year old Will Solace wouldn't have to become councellor. The Audrey that watched his brother die, and was too young to be able to do anything about it.

"You don't know me, nobody knows me, well enough to determine something like that!" Audrey yelled, he hardly cared what people thought of him, but Leo was persistent.

Leo didn't step back because of his words, but because of the way Audrey had expressed them.

Audrey had somehow found enough frustration boiling inside him that his words sounded bitter, as if he hated Leo.

"I- Audrey..." Leo's voice faltered. He wasn't sure what to say now that this conversation was actually happening. "I'm worried about you." He mumbled, struggling to meet his boyfriends eye.

"Why?" Audrey tried to force eye contact, but Leo kept his gaze glued to the leaves dying under his feet, wondering if his boyfriend would end up like that.

"Because!" Leo matched his voice level to Audrey's. "You're my best friend, Audrs! What kind of friend would I be, if I wasn't worried?"

"Just say you'd join me, so much easier. Less emotion." Audrey joked, half heartedly.

Leo's heart dropped, probably down to Tartarus. He was left speechless, as tears swelled in his eyes. All the coversation planning in his head, the rehearsing late at night in cabin 9, it was all forgotten at his boyfriend's carelessness to his own life.

"Leo." Audrey's voice dropped to almost a whisper. "Hand me those files, please." His tone was calm and collected, as were his choice of words.

"Why?" Leo looked up to meet his boyfriend's eyes, and regretted it when tears threatened to spill onto his cheeks, which were probably covered in oil and grime.

"Because, I need to edit them." Audrey replied, in a tone that suggested it was the obvious thing he'd attemp. "I'm not suicidal, so the records are wrong." He explained, making a grab for them.

Leo scooped them from the tree stump, holding them securely behind his back. "What happened last year, when Thalia electrocuted you?" He asked, which made Audrey stop.

"I almost died." He replied, then scoffed. "What? You think I did that for kicks?"

"You ran into the water!" Leo knew why, but he wanted to hear Audrey's pathetic excuses.

"I was trying to save my siblings!" Audrey yelled, his voice filled with pain.

"Why is it that everyone else had the sense to run away?" Leo asked. Audrey backed him up into a tree.

"If I hadn't, Janvi might have died!" Leo noticed a tear fall down his boyfriend's face.

Leo took a moments pause to collect his thoughts. "Most people run away from this line between life and death, but you seem to treat it like a circus act, wondering which way you might fall." He mumbled.

It pained Leo to watch his boyfriend struggle, but he didn't know how to help.

"I'm not suicidal, you have no proof. Those medical records are forged!" Audrey accused, trying to snatch his files from Leo. When he realised it was a useless attempt, he turned on his heel and stormed off.

Leo was left with too big a rollercoaster of emotions, he became a wreck. He bit backa. sob, and sunk to the ground, as tears fell down his cheeks. Tears that dirtied his face even more.

"I love you," He called after Audrey, but Audrey wouldn't have heard it, since Leo had said it barely above a whisper.

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