Chapter 25: Hey! I know it sounds crazy

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(Still Naldo/Ricky pov)
Cyd has a secret she doesn't want me to know about, based off how she's acting.

"What?? I told you about them before." She lied, trying to convince me.

"Really, when?.." I questioned, making her stay quiet as she knew I was right.

"Cyd, we literally had dinner last night with a lady who happens to be your mom." I pointed out, seeing through her lie.

"Well...what's your point?" She questioned.

"You didn't specifically tell me about your mom, I thought you guys were cool." I stated.


"Know what, it doesn't really matter right now. Let's just go eat breakfast." I said, wanting to dismiss the conversation for now until she's ready.


We continued eating our breakfast when Max asked me why I always wear a hat.

"So..Uh, The reason why I always wear a hat was because my dad won it in a contest when he was my age. And he gave it to me." I reveal.

"Aww, that's so sweet. what kind of contest did he won?" Ramona asked.

"Uh, I'm not really sure, I think it was for a pretty good cause. It was during the "Shake Ya Body" event after-school. And, his crew teamed up with the hippies crew in this activity." I explained.

"That sounds sorta cool, did they win?" Jackson adds, seemingly interested in the story.

"Yeah, they...I forgot what activity they were playing. But I remembered my dad teamed up with this sweet, outgoing, hula-hooping, surf-loving hippie chick for one of the games."

"Really, that's so cool. What that hippie chick your mother??" Max asked with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, she was great." I smiled, trying to not to look sad.

"W-Was?? She passed away?..that sucks, sorry." He said

"Yeah, um..sorry to he-."

"What? Uh no she didn't die. She and my dad were separated for a while when I was in middle school. They divorced and then she moved away, so I don't really see her alot."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Nah, it's cool, we keep in touch. Anyway, my mom and dad went out with a group of their friends. They played, 'truth or dare'. He had to eat pizza and some nachos while doing a handstand upside-Down as a dare, which didn't so great. But it sure impressed my mom."

"Oh, that's so cool. Man, who knew mens were willing to do stupid stuff to impress us?" Cyd's mom joked.

"Yeah, but it's still cool. Did he get dizzy?" Cyd asked.

"Yup, but, she found it kinda impressive, since he made up for going along with it." I said.

"Really, How?"

"By what I quote 'just being cute', mom's words." I chuckled, getting up to answer the door and it was.. Riley.

"Hey, you guys ready??" She asked as I called over Cyd, Jackson and Max, who of course made sure to bring his luggage.

"Yup, Let's go!" We said, leaving the house.

Oh-oh, here we go...Cause I got u to live it with me, I'm Ready 4 TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now