Part 2 - Finding Amy

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Ty was getting worried. It had been a while since he'd heard from Amy. He knew that she was upset that Luke had left so he wanted to check up on her. He was in the office when he decided to call her. Hey, it's Amy, I'm busy right now but if you leave a message I'll get right back to you. He sigh as he heard her voicemail. "Hey Amy, I know your out and Spartan's gone so I assume it's because your on a ride but could you call me back? Don't rush home, I just want to make sure you're okay. Love you, bye." He clicked the End button and sigh. She always answered, even when she was upset. Ty stood up and looked at the picture of him, Amy and Lyndy on the shelf behind him. She looked so happy. He smiled as he took it off the shelf. He heard one of the horses nicker and stamp and the ground so he decided to check on them. That's when he saw Spartan, grazing on the grass across from the barn. Alone. "Spartan?" Ty mumbled, jogging to get him. He brought him over to the barn and tied him up, jogging to the house. "Hey Amy? You didn't tie Spartan up right, he got loose. Don't worry, I got him though." Ty called as he walked into the house. Lisa was playing with Lyndy in the living room. "What do you mean? Amy hasn't come back yet, unless she's in the barn but she certainly hasn't come back to the house." Lisa said as she stood up. Ty frown. "You mean she hasn't come back yet? Spartan was grazing across from the barn." Ty said, suddenly concerned. "Daddy, where's Mommy?" Lyndy asked. Ty fake smiled at her. "Daddy's going to go get Mommy right now. Lisa, could you..." Ty died off. He didn't like asking Lisa to babysit all the time. She nodded and waved him off. "Yes, go. Go find Amy." She said. Ty nodded and strode over to Spartan, mounting him. "Where are you off to? And why are you on Spartan?" Jack asked as he walked up beside Ty on Buddy. "I'm going to look for Amy." Ty said before trotting off.

Amy was struggling to stay conscious. She was taking deep breaths and trying to focus on the wild horses but the pain was unbearable. She was loosening a lot of blood, and she knew it. Her fresh, white shirt was covered in blood just like her hands. She took another deep breath. She had to stay awake, she had to stay awake, she had to stay awake. She repeated it like a mantra. She had to stay awake for everyone she loved; Grandpa, Lou, Dad, Lyndy, Ty. She had to do it for them. But the longer she stayed here, bleeding like this, the harder that task became.

Ty rode up to the wild horses first. He knew Amy came out here when things  got hard. He dismounted Spartan and lead him along the path. Something caught his eye on the ground, in the grass. Something shiny. He knelt down to pick it up. Amy's phone. He looked up, squinting against the sun. "Amy?!" He called. No answer. He kept walking, knowing she had to be around here somewhere. "Amy!" He called again. Then she heard a very faint, almost inaudible, 'Here.' He dropped Spartan's reins and ran over to where he thought he'd heard it. "Am-" He was cut off by the sight of his wife, lying on the ground, her shirt cover in blood. She was slumped against the side of their house. "Amy!" He yelled, dropping to his knees beside her. Her hands were resting against her stomach, applying pressure. He moved them away to see the gunshot wound. "Oh my god, Amy." He said. Amy was barely awake. "Ty?" She said faintly. Ty nodded. "Yes. Yeah, it's me, Ty." He said, whipping out his phone to call an Ambulance. "Stay awake for me Amy." He instructed as he spoke to the emergency service dispatcher. "Ambulance." He said as she asked what he needed. "What's the problem, your name and location?" The woman asked. "My name is Ty Borden and I'm at the Heartland Ranch. Speak to Jack Barttlet when you get there, he'll show you the way here. My wife was shot, she's lost a lot of blood." Ty rambled. The dispatcher said that she was sending an ambulance to his location. "Okay, thank you." Then he ended the call and called Jack. "Ty?" Jack asked when he answered. "Jack, listen, I need you to show an ambulance the way up to the house. It should be there soon." Ty said quickly. "Ty, what's going on?" Jack asked. Ty didn't have time to answer. "Just show them the way up." He said before hanging up. He pressed on Amy's stomach, making her moan in pain. "It's okay Amy, it's going to be okay." He assured her despite not knowing how this would end. "Ty, I love you. Tell Lyndy Mommy said she loves her too." Amy whispered. Ty shook his head. "No, Amy, you are not giving up on me. Not now. Come on, just stay awake for a bit longer. Please." He pleaded with her. Tears had stared to run down both their faces. "Ty, I'm sorry." Amy whispered, quietly. Ty shook his head. "No! Amy, come on!" He begged.

Amy was trying, she really was, but it wasn't enough. She couldn't keep holding on, she couldn't stay awake, no matter how much she wished she could. She kept trying though, she didn't give up. She could hear the sirens in the distance, very quiet. "Stay with me Amy, not much longer until the paramedics are here." Ty said. Amy couldn't stay awake that long. She put her bloodied hand on top of Ty's. "I love you." She whispered again. She didn't want to let go, say goodbye to everyone around her who she loved, but she could feel herself slipping.

She was still breathing when the paramedics arrived. She was barely awake but she was awake none the less. Jack was with them, running towards them until he took in the scene, and stopped. Amy was covered in blood, her shirt and hands red. Ty had blood on his hands too, tears streaming down his face. The paramedics loaded Amy into the ambulance and rushed off to the hospital. It all happened so fast that Ty was still standing there with Jack when they left. "I have to go to the hospital." He said, running to Spartan. "Ty, hold on. Your in no state to ride. I'll ride and you sit on the back." Jack said. He mounted Spartan and helped Ty up and cantered back to Heartland.

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