Part 37 - Date

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Lyndy's POV:
I ran the brush through my hair, wincing as it catches a knot. I tied it back, in a loose braid. I pull on a cream and pink striped jumper and my dressy jeans. It was Sunday, meaning my next chemo appointment was tomorrow. I had invited Nat this time, seeing as I knew she would want to know all about our date today. My phone buzzed, a message from Nat. I glanced at it, only skimming it, not enough to read it. I'd text her back later, when I wasn't getting ready. I didn't bother with any makeup this time, seeing as how it was only to Maggie's. I pulled my black jacket on the same time someone knocked on my door. "Hey, it's me." Lou said, pushing the door inwards. "Hey." I called, fixing my earrings. "I was just going to ask if you wanted me to stay in Maggie's? In case you feel sick or..." She trailed off. Everyone thought that I was going to spew my guts the minute they left me, I swear. "Lou, I'll be fine. You can stay in town, but not in Maggie's." I say, getting the best of both worlds. She sigh, sitting on my bed. "Lyndy, you know I want you to have a social life, but is going to dinner really the best idea? Especially Maggie's? The chemo's going to make your immune system really weak and there are dozens of people in there, I'm just- I just worry." She says, shaking her head slowly. I turn to her and sit beside her. "Lou, I get that you worry, but I'll be fine for today. I have chemo again tomorrow so this is my last chance to get out while feeling this ok." I said gently. She nodded, giving my a hug. "Will I drive you in?" She asked, but we both knew the answer was yes regardless. I nodded, snatching my phone from the bed. "Let's go, I'm supposed to be there soon."


I met Wilson at Maggie's, sitting at a table by the window. I smiled and walked up to him, waving. He smiled back, waving too. I sat opposite him, saying "Hey" at the same time he said "Hi". I looked at the menu, nothing overly appealing, so I just ordered a hamburger and some fries. I knew I'd end up eating a bit of the burger but mainly the fries. "How are you feeling?" He asked once the waitress had left. I nodded. "Pretty good. Not much of an appetite, but I am looking forward to the fries." I smiled, taking a sip of the Dr Pepper I had brought. Correction, Lou had forced me to bring. 'To keep your energy levels up' she had said. I wiped my mouth as the waitress brought our food over. I ate a few of the chips, not able to keep them down. My stomach turned and my mouth filled with saliva. "One minute." I mumbled quietly to Wilson before getting out of my seat and speed walking to the bathroom. I flung myself to the ground and stuck my head in the toilet bowl just in time. Seeing as I didn't lock the door, someone started pushing it inwards, causing me to kick it closed forcefully. I wiped my mouth with some tissue and flushed the toilet. I splashed some water from the sink onto my face and, yet again, dried it off with tissue. I was pale looking, my green eyes standing out even more. I knew I couldn't stay here long, but I had to try. Cancer was not ruining my first date.

Wilson's POV:

Lyndy had run off to the bathroom, and I knew she was going to be sick. I took my phone out quickly and text Natara. We had become closer since Lyndy had been diagnosed, since she enjoyed spending time with both of us. I waited for Lyndy to come back, watching her sit in her seat. "We're not staying here." I said quietly. She looked confused, so I clarified. "Lyndy, you're sick. I know you don't want it controlling your life, but right now it does. I don't want you to get sick and have to pause your chemo because cancer won't pause. When you beat this, when you kick cancer's ass, I'll take you out on a proper date. I promise." I smiled sympathetically at her, watching her nod. "I don't want cancer to rule my life, I want to be a teenager. I want to go on dates, go to parties, watching movies until six in the morning. I want to be able to have my first kiss with the boy I like without worrying I'm going to get sick." She said quietly. I nodded, reaching across the table and giving her hand a squeeze. "I know you do, and once you're in remission you will be. We can go to a party and drink while underage and get drunk and have a killer hangover the next day. We can go to a fancy dinner and order a three course meal. We can do everything and anything you want." I said, and I know how sappy it sounded but it was true. She smiled sadly at me and nodded. I stood up and held my hand out for her. She took it, standing up and resting her head on my shoulder. "How do you feel about tomorrow?" I asked as we sat on the bench outside Maggie's. She shrugged. "I guess I'm kinda worried. I mean, I should start losing my hair soon, and I don't want to lose it." She admitted, keeping her head on my shoulder. I nodded, having a thought. "Are we meeting up before your chemo tomorrow?" She nodded, then shrugged. "Only if you want to. I'm allowed have someone go into the room with me, which you know. Nat's going in this week, and you next week? If that suits you?" She asked. I nodded, squeezing her hand again. "That suits me."

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