The Beginning of The End

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"I didn't cry the day she died, in fact, I didn't feel a thing. Not sorrow, not sadness, not anger, nothing. My mother was always a touchy subject, but I thought I loved her, but growing up when you're expected to be perfect with no native emotion, I guess you kind of go numb. Nothing bothers me after the incident. My father remarried and had two sets of twins. Looking back, I think I could have been there for them more, but it was hard. I still blame my father's tyrant. I was raised to live for my people. But how was I expected to do that if I couldn't live for myself? It was the 23rd of the 7th month, the year of the butterfly, but nothing really changed. My father says I look like her with my pale skin and long blonde hair, or "you have her mossy stone gray eyes" which is one of his reasons I would be a wonderful queen, but I'd rather not. Me and my mother were different, she loved to sing and dance and knew who she was, she hated to write and was a talkative person. I on the other hand hated singing and dancing and loved to write, poemes where all I had sometimes. I hate the idea of being known for my bloodline instead of who I was. Besides, why be a queen when I could be a savior?

"Xenia Lynn! Hurry, we're going to be late!" my father demanded.

"I'm almost done,'' I said softly.

"Well, it's your big day, you're going to be announced queen at midnight as a tradition and I would love it if you were ready before its time to go, so hurry," he huffed. I responded by walking out of the cattle dressing room in my mother's admiral blue dress. The bodice had a puffy piece above a tight corset with sleeves that shimmered as they flew out, the skirt was a tight icy blue fading up with diamonds, and the train looked like a Brazilian waterfall with gems shimmering in the water. It was a rather beautiful dress, but it wasn't mine, and never would be.

"Oh, cheer up, she would have wanted this, besides you could be what she wasn't" he said in a sweet but haunting voice, "do you remember what she did to us, now darling?"

"You'll never understand," I said with a shaky tone as tears began to fill my eyes, as I stormed to my room holding the dress off the floor, careful not to rip it. I slapped the door with tears streaming down my face. "

You'll never understand" I yelled in tears "I'm not her.'' "You're why he went to mom's kingdom" I sigh.

Suddenly I heard knocking on my window. I rushed to open it and see my best friend there holding a pebble. Catherine Alixandra was a girl from a middle-class family. She has tan skin and firey hair with sparkly green eyes, she is exactly how you imagine Jolene by Dolly Parton.

"Are you ok? Why are you crying? Why didn't you call me?" she asked so many questions at once I just looked at her in shock as she was halfway through my window.

"Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?" she said in a concerned voice now on my window seat.

"Yeah" that's all I could say, I just looked down and I had tears in my eyes but I don't think I was actually crying, it was like my body knew what it should feel but didn't so it acted on what it should have felt.. All of a sudden I felt her embrace me in her arms. I wrapped mine around her and just inhaled. It was a comforting smell, it was kind of like a bakery but also the woods. I pulled myself off her and said in a soft serious tone "I can't stay here," she quickly responded,

"Well then I'm going with you," I looked over at the crown in its casing and took a deep breath

"ok, let's go,'' I said, grading my backpack. "What's all in there?" she asked, confused. "Just some money, food, clothes, and a knife or two," I replied swiftly. I quickly changed out of the tight dress into normal clothing, I made sure to leave mine and Catherine's phones in my Vandy doors. I went to the edge of my bed and ran and jumped out the window with Cathrin following me. There was a rose bush underneath that we landed in. it was less of a castle and more of a house, altho we were royalty, it only meant being a mayor for life. There was know big prize or even a crown, the whole thing is stuped in my opinion, all it is is a guy acting like he's above everyone else but playing victim like they are in the wrong...

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