(1) I'm going.. WHERE?!

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I groaned as I heard my alarm blast it's annoying sound across the room, I layed there, throwing the pillow onto my 'ears' trying to muffle the noise. Unfortunately, Nickel woke up due to the noise, giving me no choice but to get up.

"...Balloon, please for the love of god— TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING ALARM!"

My speech was muffled under the pillow. "S... sorry..."

I tiredly tossed the pillow to the side, turning off my alarm shortly after. The only sound now being Nickel's annoyed groans, trying to go back to sleep himself.

"Can't wait for you to finally leave, ugh..."

I took Nickel's response with a grain of salt, not paying attention to his insults. Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed and exited the room. I would have taken the elevator... but the stairs were closer anyway, and I wasn't in the mood to pass out in the elevator... again. I climbed down the stairs, landing in the lobby wondering what was for breakfast. Paper shot me a sympathetic look, I was a bit confused, yet sat down at my spot at the table. Everyone seemed to go a bit quiet when I sat down, some people stared at me.

Suddenly, Fan turned to me and spoke. "Hey— uh, Balloon?"

"Yea...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you... doing alright? Y'know, since you're going and..." He trailed off.

"I'm what?"

Fan suddenly had a look of confusion. "Do you not know? I thought OJ told you?"

"Tell me wh— wait, what are you even talking about?"

I felt weirdly left out, like a secret everyone else knew about someone yet I didn't.

Paintbrush spoke up in Fan's place, seeing how hesitant he was. "Aren't you supposed to go to the mental hospital today?"

My eyes widened. "I'M SUPPOSED TO GO WHERE?!"

Trophy spoke up next. "The mental hospital! We thought you knew this already dumbass."

"I didn't! Wh— did they message me it or something?!" I frantically checked my phone, looking for anything to even hint at this.

Suddenly, OJ cut in. "...Balloon, I emailed you this, did you not read it?"

Everyone went silent.







Salt suddenly spoke. "OJ, nobody checks email anymore, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I just assumed he'd check!"

"And when did you send this?"

OJ paused.


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