Chapter Four *PAST TENSE*

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"Why are you so happy?" Erika questions suspiciously. "Are you finally getting laid?" I throw her a disapproving look. "No, I'm not getting laid. Why do you always ask me that?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just trying to figure you out. I mean it's no secret you're one of the most good looking girls in school and yet no boys seem to be chasing after you."

"Maybe because I scared them all away." I kid.

"Whatever. You're dying a virgin." Erika teases. I glare up at her, irritated.

"Maybe or maybe not." I hint. She almost chokes on her sandwich when she realises what I'd said. "Are you talking to someone?" I blush and keep my eyes down. "That's a yes! What is his name?" She slaps my arm with excitement. Erika loved gossip, and the thing she loved most was boy gossip.


"Ooh. Cute name, how old?"

"Seventeen." Erika flashes me a bright smile.

"I've taught you well. What does he look like? Is he handsome, sexy or cute?" I giggle helplessly.

"All three. Do you wanna see a photo?" I offer.

"Yes!" I pull up my lock screen to show her the picture I'd taken of Cyrus when we were facetiming each other. It was my favourite photo I had of him. His fringe hung low over the left side of his face and he had his tongue stuck out at me. "He's handsome." she says. I pull back my phone and can't help but admire the photo.

"You really like him, don't you?" Erika notices the small smile that is splayed across my lips. I glance up at her with curiosity.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's the way you look at him. Like he's something special. He must really mean something to you." I smile back down at his photo. "He does." I'd never felt like this about anyone. I didn't have much experience with boys, I tended to avoid them when I could.

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