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(3X²Y)³ equals 27X6Y3 when you divide the exponent among the three bases in the equation-

“Hey Willow...”

Atahualpa (or was it Moctezuma?) was kidnapped by the British (or French... Portuguese?) and killed after receiving ransom-

“... Willow.”

Parthenogenesis is a common form of Asexual reproduction where the female lays viable eggs that need no fertilization-


Je parle français!


“Yeah?” my head snapped up from my text book, looking around momentarily before focusing on Jace, who was giving me an amused look. “Studying much?” he asked. I glared back, hanging my head.

Yes Jace, what do you want?”

I heard him snort, making me look back up at him from across the table. He had come over a few hours ago to do some studying, since he was failing... well, everything. I agreed to help and ended up spacing (aka day dreaming) which resulted in him (very rudely) getting my attention.

“I was just wondering when we were gonna get some studying done, actually,” he smirked, leaning forward, “you've been spacing for about half an hour now.”

I nodded, taking off my glasses and rubbing my eyes for a second. “Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to do that.” I sighed. Actually, I had meant to, because that meant I wouldn't have to pay attention to him.

Not that I disliked Jace. Quite the opposite, actually. I was pretty sure I was in love with him.

Not that he would ever find that out. Ever.

He nodded this time, flipping his text book to a specific page and pointing at something. “Alright, let's start here. What the hell is that?”

I smiled slightly, looking across the table at it and sighing. “An equation? Words? Punctuation marks?”

“Don't be a smart ass Willow.”

“Then don't be a moron.”

“Love you too.”

I smiled more since that was always Jace's comeback when he didn't have a real one. It always managed to stop the arguments though.... Maybe we need some background information on all this before we go any farther.

Jace and I had been best friends ever since preschool. I can't remember a time he wasn't in my life, which is kind of scary in a way. The only thing that was different then is that our personalities were completely opposite. Jace was the day-dreaming, frightened little kid while I was a bit of a daredevil. Now you wouldn't be able to tell at all. Where Jace had gotten over his fears, I grew some of my own.

First was being gay. It's not exactly something you go strolling into school one morning shouting and expect a pat on the back or a hug for. It's the type of something you go strolling into school one morning shouting and expecting to be jumped by the football team. Our school was rather close-minded.

Second was being an Albino. Fortunately however, my eyebrows were more of a brown color instead of the same platinum-blonde look as my hair. But, I needed glasses as well, and when I didn't have them the world was very, very blurry. I didn't get picked on too much for it, but every once in a while someone from out of town would stare if I went out in public. Everyone in school was used to it by now apparently.

Third was being in love with my best friend. My very male, straight, sexually active, and highly attractive best friend. And while Jace and I had a closer relationship than most guys, I'm not sure he'd take too kindly to me walking up and kissing the ever-living-hell out of him. It was just a damn good thing he wasn't on the football team.

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